A [work division|WORK DIVISIONS] is a subdivision of an operational entity and is the highest level for Time Scheduling.

The definition data for the Define Work Divisions screen is stored in the [P2K_TS_WORK_DIVISIONS] table.

;[Work Division|WORK_DIVISION_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the work division. Work Division codes must be unique within an entity. 

;[Standing|STANDING]:This field is used to indicate whether the record is `active', `frozen' or `obsolete'. `Active' will default.

;[Seniority Date Source|X_SENIORITY_DATE_SOURCE]: The value that is optionally selected from this fixed lexicon will determine which seniority date will be used for a worker on [ITWO] when the Create or Update Worker Information [UTBWO] is processed. The following table shows which dates are sourced by the selected values:
|01|EEM Seniority Date|[IEEI]/Seniority Date under __Service__
|02|Job Seniority Date|[IEAS]/Location Tab
|03|TS Seniority Date|[ITWO]/This is where it is set manually

;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]: The entity to which the work division belongs to is indicated in this field. 
!!Details tab
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: This field provides a short description of the [work division|WORK DIVISIONS]. 

;[Work Division Status|WORK_DIVISION_STATUS]:Status is used to indicate whether a [division|WORK DIVISIONS] is active at a SPECIFIC point in time, which is different from the standing. For example, while a lifeguard station may have ongoing active standing (not obsolete or frozen), the station may only be active 9 months of the year. For remaining three months of the year, the area's status is non-active. 

;[Location|LOCATION_CODE]:This field displays the physical location of the [work division|WORK DIVISIONS], such as a building, a wing, a floor, an office unit. 

;[Manager|??]: This field holds the person code of the employee who manages this [division|WORK DIVISIONS]. e.g. Mary Beth Green.

;[Schedule Deadline|SCHEDULE_DEADLINE]:This field identifies the day of the week used as the deadline day for time scheduling. 

;[Start Time of Day|START_TIME_OF_DAY]:When shifts are scheduled for the [work division|WORK DIVISIONS], this field will identify the daily start time for the schedule week. The Start Time of Day can be entered either as Military (24hr) time or AM/PM format. The time can be modified for either Military or Standard by changing the preference information in [IMST] under [TIME FORMAT|TIME FORMAT(System_Preference)]. e.g. 12:00AM will be 00:00 if the Military time format is chosen. 
!!Work Areas tab
The Work Areas tab provides a list of the associated work areas. This area will be blank until a work area is created as part of this [work division|WORK DIVISIONS] (see [ITWA]).

%%information This tab is for VIEWING ONLY. %%

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