A Work Area is a subdivision of a work division where work is performed, such as a production line, process, product, cost center, floor, ward or department.

A work area is managed by a supervisor, inspector, facilitator, pitboss or foreperson who may be responsible for more than one work area.

A work area is generally subdivided into work stations based on activities, machinery, equipment or processes. Quite often, a work area consists of a single work station.

The definition data for the Define Work Areas screen is stored in the [P2K_TS_WORK_AREAS] table.

;[Work Area|WORK_AREA_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the work area. Work area codes must be unique within a work division. e.g. FIRE STN 1 or OFFICE 10 Work_Area_Code is a 10-character alphanumeric field you must manually enter.
;[Standing|STANDING]: This field is used to indicate whether the record is `active', `frozen' or `obsolete'. Standing is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon [X_STANDING].
;[Work Division|WORK_DIVISION_CODE]:This field identifies the work division that the work area is a part of. e.g. FIRE DEPT or MAIN BLDG Work_Division_Code from [P2K_TS_WORK_DIVISIONS] is a mandatory field you must fill through the LOV.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field identifies the entity the work area is associated with. You cannot edit the field from this screen. This information will default once the work division has been selected

!!Details tab
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: This field provides a short description of the work area. Description is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field you may manually enter.
;[Work Area Status|WORK_AREA_STATUS]: Status is used to indicate whether an area is active at a SPECIFIC point in time, which is different from the standing of an area. For example, while a lifeguard station may have ongoing active standing (not obsolete or frozen), the station may only be active 9 months of the year. For remaining three months of the year, the area's status is non-active. Work Area Status is a mandatory field which you must complete with a value from the fixed lexicon [X_WORK_AREA_STATUS]
;[Work Area Type|WORK_AREA_TYPE]:The `Work Area Type' field allows the user to categorize work areas. e.g. department, production line, cost centre, station, etc. Work_Area_Type is an optional field which you may complete with a value from the user-defined lexicon [X_WORK_AREA_TYPE].
;[Manager|??]: This field holds the person code of the employee who manages this area.

The ‘Stations’ tab provides a list of the associated workstations. This tab will be blank until a workstation is created for the work area.

%%information Work Stations tab is for VIEWING ONLY.%%