The Unidentified Clock Entries (ITUC) allows you to view and correct clock punches entered by unknown persons.

Data for the 'Maintain Schedulers' screen is maintained on the P2K_TS_CLOCK_ENTRIES table.

Details Received
The details of the clock entry are displayed in this field.
The entry may be associated with an employee through this field.
Original Clock Date
The original clock date of the entry is displayed in this field.
Original Clock Time
The original clock time of the entry is displayed in this field.
Clock Entry Type
The type of clock entry is displayed in this field.
Adjusted Clock Time
The adjusted clock time is displayed in this field.
Clock Entry Status
The clock entry status is displayed in this field.
Authorization Status
The status of the clock entry authorization is displayed in this field.
Clock Device
The clock device where the entry was made is displayed in this field.

Costing Information#

Time Code
The time code associated with the clock entry is defined in this field.
The job associated with the clock entry is defined in this field.
The department associated with the clock entry is defined in this field.
Cost Center
The cost center associated with the clock entry is defined in this field.
Distribution Mask
The distribution mask associated with the clock entry is defined in this field.

{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated' ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.ITUC] [{InsertPage page='Internal.ITUC' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]