The Maintain Schedulers (ITSC) allows you to create and edit schedulers.

Data for the 'Maintain Schedulers' screen is maintained on the P2K_TS_LEAVE_REQUEST_PERIODS tables.

Scheduler Code
This field defines and identifies the scheduler.
Scheduler Status
The status of the scheduler is defined in this field.
Work Division
The work division associated with the scheduler is defined in this field.
Start Date/End Date
If there is a time limit to the scheduler's duties, that time frame is defined with these fields.

Used By#

People List

Allowed Work Locations#

Work Area
The work area associated with the allowed work location is displayed in this field.
Work Division
The work division associated with the allowed work location is displayed in this field.
The entity associated with the allowed work location is displayed in this field.
The work station associated with the allowed work location is displayed in this field.

The following area identifies the individual who will be scheduler.

Last Name/First Name
These field identify the scheduler by name.
Person Code
The scheduler's person code is identified in this field.
Seniority Date
Work Division
Worker Availability

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