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Event Sites are part of Event Scheduling. Event Sites can be defined using the ITES screen

The definition data for the Event Scheduling screen is stored in the P2K_TS_EVENT_SITES table.

Event Site
The event site code is the number, reference code or abbreviation that uniquely identifies this event site within the organization
Work Division
This field identifies the work division associated with the event site.
Work Area
This field identifies the work area associated with the event site.
This field identifies the work station associated with the event site.
Job Number
This field identifies the job number associated with the event site.
The status of the event site is defined in this field.
Date of Inception
This field provides the date the event site commenced.
Start Date/End Date
If the event site is time sensitive, the start and end dates of the site are provided in these fields.
User Override
Distribution Mask
This field provides the distribution mask associated with the event site.
A description of the event site is provided in this field.
Reference Information
Further details about the event site are provided in this field.
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