!!!ASSIGN CLOCK CARDS If clock devices are being used, clock cards are assigned to employees for clocking purposes. The ITCC function defines all clock cards and maintains all clock assignments. Clock cards would be used with the G1 or the G2 interface. Clock card codes must be unique within an entity. Clock cards may be designated as active or not active; only “active” clock cards may be assigned to employees. Clock card details are date sensitive. The clock card status tracks the disposition of the clock card over time - not assigned, assigned, replaced, lost, damaged. Clock entries are accepted only cards that are both “active” and “assigned” to an employee. Define Clock Card data is stored in the [P2K_TS_CLOCK_CARDS] and [P2K_TS_CLOCK_CARD_DETAILS] table. The user may select from the find block the clock card to review. ;[Clock Card|CLOCK_CARD_CODE]:This is the user-defined location code that uniquely identifies the clock card. ;[Standing|STANDING]:This field will display the standing of the clock card. ;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field defines the entity associated with the clock card. !!Card Details ;Employee:This field displays the employee who is assigned the clock card. ;[Card Status|CLOCK_CARD_STATUS]:This field will display the status of the clock card. Card_Status is a mandatory field the user must fill from the lexicon X_CLOCK_CARD_STATUS. ;[Card Type|CARD_TYPE]: ;[Print 1 Recorded|DRV_FINGERPRINT_TAG1]: ;[Print 2 Recorded|DRV_FINGERPRINT_TAG2]: ---- !!Allowed Devices ;[Clock|CLOCK_DEVICE_CODE]:This is the user-defined location code that uniquely identifies the clock device. ;[Work Area|WORK_AREA_CODE]:This field allows the user to associate the clock device with a work area. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field allows the user to give additional information and description about the clock device. ;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:This field allows the user to associate the clock device with a department. ;[Location|LOCATION_CODE]:This field allows the user to associate the clock device with a specific location.