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Once wage surveys are completed (see Record Wage Surveys (ISSV)), you may wish to make the surveys more meaningful by mapping the survey to existing jobs within the organization. This may be mapped through the Map Jobs to Wage Surveys (ISSVM) form.

Map Jobs to Wage Surveys data is maintained on the P2K_SA_SURVEY_JOB_MAPPINGS table.

This field shows the job code which will be mapped. When the job code is chosen, the unit associated with that job will be referred to in this field. Job/Unit is a 16-character alphanumeric code field that may be accessed with the LOV (F9).
Survey / Job
From the Record Wage Surveys (ISSV) form, the name of the job given in the survey is displayed in this field. Multiple survey jobs may be defined for each job mapped. Survey_Job_Code is a required 16-character alphanumeric code that may be chosen from the LOV (F9).
This field will provide a short description of the survey job code. This information will be defaulted in from the Survey Job table and may not be changed here. Description is a 50-character alphanumeric field that defaults in from the P2K_SA_SURVEY_JOB table.