[{TableOfContents }] !!!WAGE STEP RULES [Wage Step Rules|WAGE STEP RULES] are created and maintained through the Define Wage Step Rules (ISRS) form. \\ \\ Wage Step Rules data is maintained on the [P2K_SA_WAGE_STEP_RULES],[P2K_SA_WAGE_STEP_LOGICS] and [P2K_SA_EXPERIENCE_RULES] tables. \\ \\ ;[Wage Step Rule|WAGE_STEP_RULE_CODE]:The name of the stepping rule is entered here. For one unit, there may be one or many step rules. These rules are then assigned to different groups within the unit. The employee, through the group chosen for them, is assigned a step rule. This step rule applies to their assignment scale/step, which defaults from job/position. The Wage Step rule may also be attached to a specific wage scale, in which case it will override the rule on the group. ;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]:Wage steps, and wage step rules, must be associated with a unit. You must either enter the unit/union name or use the LOV in this field to identify the associated unit. ;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:Step rules must be associated with an entity. You may either enter the company name or use the LOV in this field to identify the associated entity. ;[Minimum Step Days|MINIMUM_STEP_DAYS]:This field shows the minimum number of days that must pass between movements from one step to another. This situation may apply when an employee reaches the qualifications for stepping very quickly (i.e. if a certification is received only a few days after hire). The minimum step days would prevent this employee from moving up the scale more quickly than allowed. In addition, stepping may be done on a particular day of the year (Jan. 1, or Sept. 1), in which case it may be necessary to stop recently hired employees from getting a step increase too early. A blank entry here is considered “0 days”. ;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field displays the reason for a change to a wage step rule. ;[Calendar (For Experience Tracking only)|CALENDAR_CODE]:The calendar to be used to trigger “pre-eligible” threshold checking in wage stepping may be supplied in this field. (Calendar dates must coincide with pay period end dates in order to ensure that all transactions are accounted for.) ;[Retro PC Code (For Experience Tracking only)|PPC_ID]:If the evaluation of the wage stepping is done ‘after-the-fact’, then a [pay component|PAY COMPONENTS] must be specified to hold the retroactive amount calculated. This information is only needed when a calendar is specified. ;[Abbrev.|PC_ABBREVIATION]:This field displays the abbreviated description of the Retro PC Code selected above. The data for this field will default in once the Retro PC Code has been selected. ;[PA Status|PA_STATUS]:Wage stepping through Experience [USEP] or Anniversary [USAS] will create a Personnel Action form. This field indicates the status of the Personnel Action (PA) created.\\See Track Experience and Step Rate [USEP], Step Wages Based on Anniversary [USAS], or Apply General Wage Changes [USSC] for details on setting up PA types.\\If PA Status is not entered, then the USEP will create any new PA with status 'Pending'. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field displays the description of the Wage Step rule being created. ;[Up to Seq|UP_TO_STEP_SEQUENCE]:The stepping logic is to be applied until the employee reaches this sequence on their scale/step. Step sequences are used rather than the descriptive step codes. This is up to and including the sequence indicated. ;[Next Scale|SCALE_CODE]/[Step|STEP_CODE]:Once the employee meets the requirements that are defined in the “Base” and “Period” areas of this form, this field identifies next scale/step that the employee is to go, if they are NOT to automatically go to the next sequential step. For example, an employee completes Step1 and because of circumstances, they should continue on to Step 4, not Step 2. ;[Stepping Interval|STEPPING_INTERVAL]:This field displays the amount of time that will be added to the Step Base date to calculate the new effective date of the assignment record – the date when the employee will move up to the next sequence step in the scale. ;[Stepping Basis|PERIOD_BASIS]:This field defines the time period (hour, day, week, year) in which the stepping interval value is expressed. ;[Pre Eligible Threshold (For experience tracking only)|PRE_ELIGIBLE_THRESHOLD]:A Pre Eligible Threshold can be used to further qualify employees for wage stepping. The“pre-eligible” time is checked when a calendar end date (in the calendar named in the heading) falls within the period being processed. ;:If ‘pre-eligible threshold’ is not indicated the calendar is ignored. ;:If ‘pre-eligible threshold’ is indicated the calendar must be supplied. ;[Step Method|STEP_METHOD]:This field indicates the method to be used for stepping. This can be used in conjunction with the Step Base Date ;[Step Base Date|STEP_BASE_DATE]:This field displays the base date, from which the next date for stepping will be calculated. This field is used when it is necessary to step based on a specific date. Use “Not Specified” if the wage step rule is not date dependent. ;[Step Date Rule|STEP_DATE_RULE]:When the new step date is calculated using the step method, period, and basis above, the date that is calculated may have to be adjusted to the 1st of the month or the start of the pay period. %%information When setting up Wage Step Rules in ISRS for anniversary stepping, you must not enter anything in the experience rules section of the screen. If you do so, the [USAS] - wage step anniversary process assumes that the rule is coded for experience purposes only and will ignore it for anniversary step processing.%% ;[Experience Type|EXPERIENCE_TYPE]:Wage stepping experience may be categorized by entity, unit, group, department, job or position. ;[Eligible Element|PEL_ID_ELIGIBLE]:If experience stepping is being done, then this element contains the ‘Hours’ pay components that are counted towards eligible experience. ;[Work Element|PEL_ID_WORKED]:This field allows you to track the [pay components|PAY COMPONENTS] that identify actual time worked. ;[Absent Element|PEL_ID_ABSENT]:You may wish to track the pay components that identify absence time. ;[Allow Wage Stepping|ALLOW_WAGE_STEPPING]:If the Allow Wage Stepping toggle is ON, an employee will be stepped based on the wage stepping rules defined. If the Allow Wage Stepping toggle is OFF, only experience will be tracked and no stepping will be done. ;[No Carry Forward|NO_CARRY_FORWARD]:If the No Carry Forward toggle is ON, an employee who is being stepped based on this experience type will NOT carry any ‘left-over’ hours forward to the next step. If the No Carry Forward toggle is OFF, an employee who is being stepped based on this experience type will carry forward any hours ‘left-over’ to the next step. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.ISRS] [{InsertPage page='Internal.ISRS' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]