!!!DEFINE RECRUITERS A record of recruiters may be created and maintained on the Define Recruiters (IRRE) form. \\ \\ The definition data for the Define Recruiters screen is stored in the [P2K_RE_RECRUITERS], [P2K_RE_RECRUITING_COSTS] tables. !!'Define Recruiters' Field Descriptions ;[Recruiter|RECRUITER_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the recruiter. Recruiter_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that you must manually enter. ;[Status|RECRUITER_STATUS]:This field will display the status of the recruiter. Recruiter_Status is a mandatory field you must fill with a selection from the fixed lexicon X_Recruiter_Status. ''i.e. Newly Entered, Active, Suspended, Obsolete'' ;[Type|RECRUITER_TYPE]:This field will allow you to indicate the nature of the recruiter. Recruiter_Type is a mandatory field you may fill with a selection from the fixed lexicon X_Recruiter_Type. ''i.e. Not Specified, Employer Web Site, Job Board, Media, Internal Recruiter, Hiring Campaign, Hiring Agency'' ;[Category|RECRUITER_CATEGORY]:This field will allow you to further classify recruiters into specific groups. Recruiter_Category is an optional field you may fill with a selection from user-defined lexicon X_Recruiter_Category. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field allows you to provide a short description about the recruiter. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Company|COMPANY]:If the recruiter is external, this field allows you to identify the recruiting company name. Company is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Contact|CONTACT]:If the recruiter is external, this field provides a contact name for the recruiting company. Contact is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Title|TITLE]:This field displays the contact’s tile for outside recruiters. Title is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Employee|P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]:If the recruiter is internal, the employee who will be recruiting will be identified (by assignment) in this field. Employee from IEAA (P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS) is a mandatory field you must fill through the LOV (F9). ---- !!Define Recruiters (IRRE) - Address ;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field provides the address of the recruiter. Address_Line_1 is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field displays further address information for the recruiter. Address_Line_2 is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[City|LOCALITY]:This field identifies the locality of the recruiter. Locality is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[State/Province|P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES]:This field holds the state or province of the recruiter. State_Province from IDSP (P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES) is an optional field you may fill through the LOV (F9). ;[Zip/Postal|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field shows the zip or postal code for the recruiter. Zip_Postal is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:This field provides the phone number for the recruiter. Phone_Number is an optional 20-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Phone Extension|PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field provides an extension number for the recruiter. Phone_Extension is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Alt Phone #|ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:This field provides an alternative phone number for the recruiter. Alt_Phone_Number is an optional 20-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Alt Phone Extn.|ALT_PHONE_EXTN]:This field provides an alternative extension for the recruiter. Alt_Phone_Extension is an optional 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Fax #|FAX_NUMBER]:This field provides a fax number for the recruiter. Fax_Number is an optional 20-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Email Address|EMAIL_ADDRESS]:This field provides an email address for the recruiter. Email_Address is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Web Address|WEB_ADDRESS]:This field provides a web address for the recruiter. Web_Address is an optional 200-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Recruiter Text|RECRUITER_TEXT]:This field allows you to provide additional information about the recruiter. Recruiter_Text is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ---- !!Define Recruiters (IRRE) - Costs The definition data for the Costs tab is stored in the [P2K_RE_RECRUITING_COSTS] table. ;[Cost Date|COST_DATE]:This field provides the date the cost was incurred. Cost_Date is an optional field you may fill either manually or using the calendar (F9). ;[Cost Item Category|COST_ITEM_CATEGORY]:This field allows users to classify the cost items into specific groups. Cost_Item_Category is a mandatory field you must fill with a selection from the user-defined lexicon X_Cost_Item_Category. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the cost item. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Cost Amount|COST_AMOUNT]:This field will display the actual monetary amount of the cost item. Cost_Amount is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually. ;[Currency|CURRENCY]:This field will display the currency that the above amount is expressed in. Currency is an optional field you must fill with a selection from the fixed lexicon X_Currency. ''i.e. Not Specified, US Dollars, CDN Dollars, Mex Pesos, etc.'' ;[Employer %|EMPLOYER_PERCENT]:This field will indicate the percentage of the cost that will be covered by the employer. Employer_Percent is an optional 5-character numeric field you may manually fill. ;[Payment Status|PAYMENT_STATUS]:This field will show the status of the payment for this cost item. Payment_Status is an optional field you must fill with a selection from the fixed lexicon X_Payment_Status. ''i.e. No Payment Required, Not Yet Paid, Partially Paid, Fully Paid, Payment Waived'' ;[Payment Method|PAYMENT_METHOD]:This field will show the manner in which this item was paid for. Payment_Method is an optional field you must fill with a selection from the fixed lexicon X_Payment_Method. ''i.e. No Payment Required, Cash, Check, Credit Card, Line of Credit, Company Paid'' ;[Cost Reference|COST_REFERENCE]:This field allows you to provide a reference, e.g. invoice number, for the cost item. Cost_Reference is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Candidate|P2K_RE_CANDIDATES]:If a specific candidate is associated with this cost item, they may be identified in this field. Candidate from IRCA (P2K_RE_CANDIDATES) is an optional field you must fill through the LOV (F9). ;[Posting|P2K_RE_POSTINGS]:If this cost is associated with a specific posting, that posting may be identified in this field. Posting from IRPO (P2K_RE_POSTINGS) is an optional field you must fill through the LOV (F9). ---- !!Define Recruiters (IRRE) - Postings __The information for this tab will be automatically filled by the system. The values in these fields CANNOT be changed.\\ In order to add a posting to the recruiter’s record, you must associate the recruiter to the posting through the Maintain Postings (IRPO) screen. Once the IRPO screen is saved, the posting will appear in the Postings tab of IRRE.__ \\ ;[Start Date|START_DATE]:This field indicates the date the posting was opened with the recruiter. ;[Posting #|POSTING_NUMBER]:This field identifies the posting. ;[Status|STATUS]:This field displays the status of the job posting. ''i.e. Requisition, FTE Problem, Open Posting, Offer Made, Partially Filled, Completed, Not Approved, Suspended, Canceled'' ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the recruiter. ;[End Date|END_DATE]:This field indicates the date the posting was closed with the recruiter ;[External Entity ID|EXTERNAL_ENTITY_ID]:If the external recruiter has created an identification code for the entity, that code will be displayed in this field. ;[External Posting ID|EXTERNAL_POSTING_ID]:If the external recruiter has created an identification code for the posting, that code will be displayed in this field. ;[Posting Title|POSTING_TITLE]:This field gives a descriptive title for the posting. ;[Posting Status|POSTING_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the job posting. ''i.e. Requisition, FTE Problem, Open Posting, Offer Made, Partially Filler, Completed, Not Approved, Suspended, Canceled'' ;[Posting Source|POSTING_SOURCE]:This field provides a reason for the posting. ''i.e. New Position, Vacant Position, Movement'' ;[Posting Type|POSTING_TYPE]:This field defines the nature of the posting. ''i.e Internal Only, External Only, Internal or External'' ;[Posting Category|POSTING_CATEGORY]:This field classifies the posting into a specific group. ;[Posting Priority|POSTING_PRIORITY]:The priority of the posting will be shown in this field. ''i.e. Low Priority, Medium Priority, High Priority'' ---- !!Define Recruiters (IRRE) - Job Profiles __The information for this tab will be automatically filled by the system. The values in these fields CANNOT be changed.\\ In order to add a job profile to the recruiter’s record, you must associate the recruiter to the job profile through the Maintain Job Profile (IRJP) screen. Once the IRJP screen is saved, the posting will appear in the Job Profile tab of IRRE.__ \\ ;[Start Date|START_DATE]:If the job profile is temporary and date sensitive, this field will show the first date the job profile is active. ;[End Date|END_DATE]:If the job profile is temporary and date sensitive, this field will show the last date that the job profile is active. ;[Job Profile|JOB_PROFILE]:This field holds the code that identifies a job profile within a company. ;[Job Title|JOB_TITLE]:This field displays the specific title of the job profile. ;[Job Type|JOB_TYPE]:This field displays the nature of the job profile. ;[Status|STATUS]:This field displays the status of the job profile. ''i.e. Newly Entered, Active, Frozen, Obsolete'' ;[Category|CATEGORY]:This field further categorizes the job profile. ;[Placed By|PLACED_BY]:This field identifies, by assignment code, the employee who placed the posting with the recruiter. ;[External Posting ID|EXTERNAL_POSTING_ID]:If the external recruiter has created an identification code for the posting associated with this job profile, that code will be displayed in this field. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the job profile. ---- !!Define Recruiters (IRRE) - Referrals ;[Submitted|SUBMITTED]:This field reflects the date the referral was submitted. ;[Candidate #|CANDIDATE_NUMBER]:This field identifies the candidate for whom this referral was given. ;[Name|NAME]:This field shows the full name of the candidate. ;[Candidate Status|CANDIDATE_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the candidate. ''i.e. Newly Entered, Active, Stale, Expired, No Longer Available'' ;[Candidate Type|CANDIDATE_TYPE]:This field indicates whether the candidate is an external or internal applicant. ;[Candidate Category|CANDIDATE CATEGORY]:This field further classifies the candidates into specific groups. ''i.e. Not Specified, Administrative, Support, Other Licensed'' ;[Candidate Source|CANDIDATE_SOURCE]:This field indicates the venue through which the candidate was recruited. \\ %%columns ---- ''Self-Service Web\\ \\ Manager Referral\\ \\ Walk-in\\ \\ Government \\ Service\\ \\ ---- ''Self-Service Kiosk\\ \\ Agency Referral\\ \\ Open House\\ \\ Job Board\\ \\ ---- ''Internal Applicant\\ \\ External Referral\\ \\ Executive Recruiting\\ \\ hiring Campaign\\ \\ ---- ''Employee Referral\\ \\ Mailed-in Resume\\ \\ College Recruiting\\ \\ Ad (Newspaper, TV)''\\ \\ %% ;[External Candidate ID|EXTERNAL_CANDIDATE_ID]:This field shows the candidate’s id supplied by an external recruiter. ;[Candidate Text|CANDIDATE_TEXT]:This field holds additional information about the referral for this candidate.