!!!DEFINE RECRUITERS A record of recruiters may be created and maintained on the Define Recruiters (IRRE) form. \\ \\ The definition data for the Define Recruiters screen is stored in the [P2K_RE_RECRUITERS] table. !!'Define Recruiters' Field Descriptions ;[Recruiter|RECRUITER_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the recruiter. Recruiter_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that you must manually enter. ;[Status|RECRUITER_STATUS]:This field will display the status of the recruiter. Recruiter_Status is a mandatory field you must fill with a selection from the fixed lexicon X_Recruiter_Status. ''i.e. Newly Entered, Active, Suspended, Obsolete'' ;[Type|RECRUITER_TYPE]:This field will allow you to indicate the nature of the recruiter. Recruiter_Type is a mandatory field you may fill with a selection from the fixed lexicon X_Recruiter_Type. ''i.e. Not Specified, Employer Web Site, Job Board, Media, Internal Recruiter, Hiring Campaign, Hiring Agency'' ;[Category|RECRUITER_CATEGORY]:This field will allow you to further classify recruiters into specific groups. Recruiter_Category is an optional field you may fill with a selection from user-defined lexicon X_Recruiter_Category. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field allows you to provide a short description about the recruiter. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Company|COMPANY]:If the recruiter is external, this field allows you to identify the recruiting company name. Company is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Contact|CONTACT]:If the recruiter is external, this field provides a contact name for the recruiting company. Contact is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Title|TITLE]:This field displays the contact’s tile for outside recruiters. Title is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Employee|P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]:If the recruiter is internal, the employee who will be recruiting will be identified (by assignment) in this field. Employee from IEAA (P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS) is a mandatory field you must fill through the LOV (F9). ---- !!Define Recruiters (IRRE) - Address