The WC Calculation is determined by state/province in the Maintain WC Information (IPWC) form with the ability to turn it on or off.
Workers Compensation data is stored in the P2K_PR_WC_REGISTRATIONS,P2K_PR_WC_CLASSES, P2K_PR_WC_CLASS_DETAILS tables.
- Entity
- This field displays the entity code for which you are establishing WC information. Entity_Code is from P2K_CM_ENTITIES.
- Entity Name
- This field displays the name of the entity for which you are establishing WC information. Entity_Name is from P2K_CM_ENTITIES.
- State/Province
- This field identifies the state/province of the WC registration. Only one state/province may be defined for each entity. STATE_PROVINCE_CODE from P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES is a mandatory 16 character code that you must manually or select from the LOV (F9) provided.
- WC Regist Type
- This field identifies the registration type. The user must select a value from the X_WC_REGIST_TYPE lexicon.
- Registration No.
- This field stores the WC Registration number for the state/province. WC_REGISTRATION_NUMBER is a 50 character alphanumeric optional field you may manually enter.
- Description
- This field stores the description of the WC Registration number for the state/province. DESCRIPTION is a 50 character alphanumeric optional field you may manually enter.
- Element
- This field stores the element code for the WC eligible earnings for the state/province. ELEMENT_CODE from P2K_PR_ELEMENTS is a mandatory 16 character code that you must manually enter or select from the LOV (F9) provided.
- WCB Method
- This field stores the WC Method to be used for this state/province.
- Calculate WC
- Do Not Calculate
- WCB_METHOD is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_UST_WCB_METHOD) you may use to look up the value.
- WCB Class
- This field defines the WC class applicable for this state/province. Please list all WC class entries in this section. WCB_CLASS is a mandatory user defined lexicon (X_WCB_CLASS) you may use to look up the value.
- Description
- This field stores the description for the WC class defined above. DESCRIPTION is a 50 character alphanumeric optional field you may manually enter.
- Maximum Amount
- This field stores the annual maximum WC assessable earnings by effective date for this WC class. WC_MAXIMUM is an optional numeric field you may manually enter.
- Percent
- This field stores the percentage to be used by effective date for this WC class. e.g. 1.22% enter as 1.2200. WC_PERCENT is an optional numeric field you may manually enter.
For information on additional set up required for Workers Compensation and how the amounts are calculated see
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