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The View Employee Pay Totals (IPVT) form is an individual employee view that shows the Year To Date, Quarter To Date, Month To Date, Fiscal To Date and Assignment To Date information for any period in history that has been calculated by or converted into Personality.

%%information This form is for viewing information only, and is not updateable by users.%%

View Employee Pay Totals data is stored in the [P2K_PR_TODATE_HEADERS] and [P2K_PR_TODATE_PC_AMOUNTS] tables.

!!Header (Year/Quarter/Monthly/Fiscal/Assignment to Date)
;[Type|TODATE_TYPE]:You may select type of Pay Total you wish to view:
*Assignment to Date
*Fiscal to date (as defined in the IDCL – calendar)
*Year to date (Jan.-Dec.)
*Quarter to date (Mar31, Jun30, Sep30, Dec31)
*Month to date
;[Period|CALENDAR_PERIOD]:Year and period number usually identify calendar periods. For example, a monthly calendar for the calendar year Jan.-Dec. 2002 would have calendar periods 2002-01 through 2002-12. This is the period for the Todate type indicated in the previous field.
;[Group|GROUP_CODE]:This is the group code that the employee’s pays were processed under.
;[Assignment|DRV_ASSIGNMENT]:The assignment attached to this pay type is displayed here.
;[Home State/Prov.|DRV_STATE_PROVINCE_NAME_HOME]:This field displays the state or province from the employee’s home address.
;[Work State/Prov.|DRV_STATE_PROVINCE_NAME_WORK]:This field displays the state or province from the employee’s work location.
;[Home Tax Jurisdiction|DRV_JURISDICTION_NAME_HOME]:This field shows the Tax Jurisdiction code for the employee’s home address.
;[Work Jurisdiction|DRV_JURISDICTION_NAME_WORK]:The field shows the Tax Jurisdiction code for the employee’s work location.
;[School District|DRV_SCHOOL_DISTRICT_NAME]:The School District code for the employee’s home address.
!!Pay Components Amounts tab
;[PC|PC_CODE]:This field shows the pay components that had values for the selected criteria.
;[Abbreviation|PC_ABBREVIATION]:The abbreviation of the stored pay component is shown here.
;[Amount|AMOUNT]:The processed amount of the pay component is displayed here.
!!Elements Amounts tab
;[Element|ELEMENT_CODE]:This field shows the elements that have value for the selected criteria.
;[Amount|AMOUNT]:The processed amount of the element is displayed here.

;[PC|PC_CODE]:This field shows the pay components associated with the element.
;[Abbreviation|PC_ABBREVIATION]:The abbreviation of the pay component is shown here.
;[Amount|AMOUNT]:The processed amount of the pay component is displayed here.

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