The View Vendor Lines (IPVL) allows you to view government vendor lines.
Data for the 'View Vendor Lines' screen is maintained on the P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS, P2K_PR_DISBURSEMENTS, P2K_PR_CHECKS, P2K_PR_DEPOSITS and P2K_PR_VENDOR_LINES tables.
- Pay Issue Date
- This field defines the date that payment is issued for the period.
- Disbursement Amount
- This field displays the total dollar amount of the disbursement.
- Create Date
- This field displays the date the record was created.
Checks tab#
- Number
- This field identifies the check id number.
- Amount
- The amount of the check is displayed in this field.
- Type
- The field identifies the type of check issued. (i.e. hand written, computer generated)
- Status
- This field displays the status of the check. (i.e. cleared, printed)
- Pay to the Order Of
- The person who the check is made out for is displayed in this field.
- Cleared
- This field displays the date that the check was cleared.
- Recon.
- This field displays the date that the check was reconciled.
- Printed
- This field displays the date the check was printed.
Deposit tab#
- Number
- This field will display the number of the deposit made during this pay period.
- Account
- The account where this deposit is being made to is displayed in this field.
- Transit
- The transit number of the bank where this deposit is being made is shown in this field.
- Bank Name
- This field shows the name of the bank where this deposit is being made.
- Amount
- This field shows the dollar amount of the deposit being made.
- Start Date
- This field shows the date this deposit was created.
- Status
- This field displays the status of the deposit.
- Prenote
- Printed
- Pren. Date
- The date for which this deposit is pre-noted will be
Lines tab#
- Last Name
- First Name
- S.S.N.
- Pay End
- Invoice Number
- Reference
- Amount
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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