The Balance Pay Transactions (IPTRB) screen is used to balance pay transactions by Batch, By Week or By Day.

This function is found either through the command line or by using the Balance Batch button in IPTR.

IPTRB gives you the ability to review the batch for total hours. This information includes a total for all hours in the batch. IPTRB can be used for approving the batch as well as the IPTR screen. For employee totals within a batch IPTRE may be used.

By Batch
When this focus is chosen the system calculates the totals of transactions in a selected batch by assignment as of the end date of the pay period.
By Week
When this focus is chosen the system calculates the totals of transactions in a selected batch by assignment as of the end of the week. The end of the week is considered 7 consecutive intervals ending on the pay period end date.
By Day
When this focus is chosen the system calculates the totals of transactions in a selected batch by assignment and by date.

The batch may be marked as eligible using this toggle.
Add A Comment
This button will provide the user with a dialog to provide additional comments on the batch.
View Details
This is an action button will direct the user to the IPTR form for the batch in focus in the IPTRB.

Summary Info tab#

This tab provides a summary table of the totals within the batch.

The prompts of the fields will dynamically change to be time code, time type or time code set code depending of the type of total chosen at the bottom of the form.

The records that do not have information for Person Code, Name or Assignment are grand total records.

Totals for prior period transactions that belong to the current batch are included in the batch total. When the system totals by week, the prior period's grand total records will not have a From Date and the To Date will be the pay period end date of the prior batch.

Person Code
This is the person code for whom the total is for.
This is the name of the employee for whom the total is for.
The assignment code of the employee from the batch is displayed here.
From Date
This field may display the pay period start date, week start date or the day of the transaction, depending on which toggle was selected in the form's header.
To Date
This field may display the pay period end date, week end date or the day of the transaction, depending on which toggle was selected in the form's header.

Show Time Code Totals
This toggle will dynamically display totals for time codes within the batch.
Show Time Type Totals
This toggle will dynamically display totals for the time types associated to the time codes used to generate the transactions within the batch.
Show Time Code Set Totals
This toggle will dynamically display totals for time code sets which include the time codes associated to the transactions within the batch.
Clients can choose which time code sets to display by turning ON the toggle Is IPTR Total in IDTCS for only the time code sets they wish to use for totals. These will be used here in IPTRE and in IPTRB. If there are no time code sets with this toggle turned ON, the system will dynamically choose up to 15 time code sets to display in both forms.

Comments tab#

This tab displays the comments / requests that have been added for the batch using the comments action button ACT_ADD_BATCH_REQUSTS.
This is the system assigned request number for the comment that was added.
This field displays the status of the request. The field is tied to the lexicon X_REQUEST_STATUS.
Created On
The date the comment / request was created is displayed in this field.
The synopsis of the comment / request is displayed here.
The actual text of the comment / request is displayed in this field.

Controls tab#

The Controls tab is used to calculate Actual Amounts for a pay transactions batch. The Actual Amounts are used for verification of the data entered on the pay transaction batch (Actual Amounts versus Given Amounts).
Batch Date
The user verifying the data would provide the date that the batch amounts were verified.
Number of Pays
The user would provide the number of pays currently in the batch as of that date.
Calculate Totals
This is an action button which will calculate the actual amounts for each batch element defined in IPPR for the payroll that the batch belongs to.

Element Code
The user would select from the drop down LOV the element code to be used to verify the given amounts with the actual amounts in the batch for the pay components within the selected element.
Given Amount
The user would provide the amount that has estimated as the Given Amount for the element.
Actual Amount
The system will calculate the actual amounts for the element once the Calculate Totals button has been pressed.

Notes #

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