__Canadian Pay Rules__ contain the individual pay factors and rules that are required to calculate all legislated deductions and contributions for each employee, by effective date.

The following ‘Government Personal Tax Credit’ forms must be filed by each employee for the employer for each employment.
;Federal Level:
*TD1 Form
;Provincial Level
* TD1AB 
* TD1-BC
* TD1-MB
* TD1NL 
* TD1NT 
* TP1015.3V for Quebec

The [UPCALC] program performs Canadian Taxation calculation.

When calculating Canadian taxation, the tax methods for each employee are defined in the Maintain CDN Tax Filing Information (IPRLC) screen. Then depending on the pay category of each timesheet, the Define CDN Pay Categories ([IPPGC]) screen for that timesheet may override the default employee tax methods on the pay rule. You should refer to both the Pay Categories ([IPPGC]) screen and the Pay Rules (IPRLC) screen to determine the actual tax methods being used for tax calculations.

As there is no equivalent of the U.S. Vertex HLServer program, Canadian taxation is internally calculated by the [UPCALC] process.

You may access this feature under the Screens/Forms menu: __Payroll > Maintain CDN Tax Filing Information__

You must set up the federal and provincial tax methods for each employee through the Maintain CDN Tax Filing Information (IPRLC) screen.

__‘Maintain CDN Tax Filing Information’ Usage and Examples__

CDN Tax Filing Information data is stored on the [P2K_PR_CDN_PAY_RULES] table.
!!Maintain CDN Tax Filing Information (IPRLC) - Federal