Payrolls define the pay frequency for various groups of employees. Separate Payrolls are defined for each pay frequency in which a group of employees are paid. This means that employees who are paid at different times will have separate payroll codes. E.G. employees paid every week; employees paid every two weeks. Employees who have the same pay frequency, pay dates, and payroll bank will belong to the same payroll and have the same payroll code.
An employee can be on only one payroll code per ‘Employment Type’. Employment type is defined for each employee on the IEHR (Establish Personnel Profiles) form. Examples of employment types would be ‘Employee’, ‘Contractor’ or ‘Retiree’.
Each Payroll Code will need to be defined in full detail. You may create and maintain those payroll codes through the Define Payrolls (IPPR) form.
You may access this feature under the Screen/Form menu:
Payroll > Setup and Definitions > Define Payrolls
‘Define Payroll Information’ Usage and Examples
Payroll Information data is stored in the P2K_PR_PAYROLLS table.
- Entity
- This field displays the entity for which the payroll is defined. Entity_Code from P2K_CM_ENTITIES is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that you must manually enter or use the LOV (F9) to choose an option.
- Payroll
- This field holds a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the payroll within the organization.
Payroll_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that you must manually enter.
- Description
- This field gives a short description of the payroll code. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field that you may manually enter.
Define Payrolls (IPPR) - Payroll#
- Legislation
- This code indicates the primary country whose legislation governs the organization. Legislation is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_LEGISLATION) that you may use to look up the value.
- Pay Point Set
- The pay point set is a set of payroll calculation instructions to be executed for this payroll
during the pay cycle. Pay_Point_Set_Code from
P2K_PAY_POINT_SETS is a 16-character mandatory field that you must complete with a value from the LOV (F9) provided. These pay point sets are defined in the
IPPP screen.
- Pay Calendar
- This field defines which calendar is to be used for this payroll. E.G. Pay Period dates, Pay Issue dates, etc. Pay_Calendar_Code from P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS is a mandatory 16- character field that you must complete with a value from the LOV (F9) provided. These values are defined in the IPCL screen.
- Additional Tax Option
- This field is used when an employee opts to pay additional tax per pay period. You may specify one of the following:
- Always - Additional tax is always taken, regardless if the employee has tax withheld
- Only If Available - Additional tax is taken only if the employee has income tax removed.
Additional_Tax_Option is an optional fixed lexicon (
X_ADDITIONAL_TAX_OPTION) that you may use to look up the value.
- MTD Summary
- MTD Summary is the month to date summary toggle. If the MTD Summary toggle is checked, the pay close process (UPCLOZ) will create and store month-to-date totals. If the MTD Summary toggle is not checked, no month-to-date totals will be kept. Monthly_Summaries is an optional toggle field.
For Canadian Installations: MTD totals are required in order to store month-to-date totals required for the Canada Custom Revenue Agency (CCRA). All Canadian clients must keep Mtd information in order to retrieve the monthly information needed to do monthly remittance on the RPYEC report.
- QTD Summary
- QTD Summary is the quarter to date summary toggle.If the QTD Summary toggle is checked, the pay close process (UPCLOZ) will create and store quarter-to-date totals. If the QTD Summary toggle is not checked, no quarter-to-date totals will be kept.
For U.S. installations: Quarter-to-date totals are
For Canadian Installations: Quarter-to-date totals are optional.
Quarterly_Summaries is an optional toggle field.
- Fiscal Summary
- If the ‘Fiscal Summaries’ toggle is checked, the pay close process (UPCLOZ) will create and store fiscal-to-date totals.
If the ‘Fiscal Summaries’ toggle is not checked, no fiscal-to-date totals will be kept.
If the fiscal year runs for a different 12-month period (e.g. April to March), or is based on a 13 period year, High Line recommends that separate fiscal totals be kept from the year-to-date totals.
Fiscal_Summaries is an optional toggle field.
- Tax Exempt Point
- For Canadian Installations Only.
This field indicates the minimum, midpoint or maximum of the TD1 claim code range amount that should be used when calculating taxes. The process for how the employee’s tax exemption should be calculated is based on the governmental tax tables. These toggles should be adjusted if, during payroll testing, users find that the taxation amounts are slightly off.
- Minimum
- Mid Point (default)
- Maximum
Tax_Exempt_Point is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_TAX_EXEMPT_POINT).
- Account for Checks
- This field indicates the bank account from which the funds are withdrawn for check payments.
Bank_Account from P2K_PR_PAYROLL_BANK_ACCOUNTS is an optional 30-character alphanumeric field that you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9) to choose an option.
- Account for Deposits
- This field displays the bank account from which the funds are withdrawn for deposit
payments. Bank_Account from P2K_PR_PAYROLL_BANK_ACCOUNTS is an optional 30-character alphanumeric field that you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9) to choose an option.
- Bank Name
- This field identifies the bank where the account for checks is held. Bank Name will default based on the Account for checks chosen from IPBA, needs to be added.
- Bank Name
- This field identifies the bank where the account for deposits is held. Bank Name will default based on the Account for deposits chosen from IPBA, needs to be added.
- Detailed Pay Stub
- If the Detailed Pay Stub toggle is checked, the hours and rate associated to the earnings
are stored for printing on the check stub and/or deposit notices. If the toggle is not checked, then these details are not retained and only the earnings may be accessed. Detailed_Pay_Stub is an optional toggle field.