[{TableOfContents }] !!!DEFINE PAYROLLS Payrolls are created and maintained on the Define Payrolls (IPPR) form. \\ Payrolls define the pay frequency for various groups of employees. Separate Payrolls are defined for each pay frequency that a group of employees are paid. Consequently, employees who are paid at different times will have separate payroll codes, such as employees paid every week and employees paid every two weeks. \\ Employees who have the same pay frequency, pay dates, and payroll bank will belong to the same payroll and have the same payroll code. An employee can be on only one payroll code per ‘Employment Type’. Employment Types are defined for each employee on the [IEHR] (Establish Personnel Profiles) form. \\ Examples of employment types: * Employee * Contractor * Retiree Each Payroll Code must be defined in full detail. Payroll Information data is stored in the [P2K_PR_PAYROLLS] table.\\ \\ !IPPR Field Descriptions __Details__\\ ||Field||Description |[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]|This field defines the entity for which the payroll is defined. |[Payroll|PAYROLL_CODE]|This field displays the user-defined code that uniquely identifies the payroll within the organization. |[Description|DESCRIPTION]|This field displays a short description of the payroll code. \\ \\ __Payroll Tab__\\ ||Field||Description |[Legislation|LEGISLATION]|This code defines the primary country whose legislation governs the organization. |[Pay Point Set|PAY_POINT_SET_CODE]|The pay point set is a set of payroll calculation instructions to be executed for the payroll during the pay cycle. |[Pay Calendar|PAY_CALENDAR_CODE]|This field defines which calendar will be used for the payroll, such as Pay Period dates, Pay Issue dates, etc. |[Additional Tax Option|ADDITIONAL_TAX_OPTION]|This field is defined when an employee opts to pay additional taxes per pay period. Users can define one of the following: \\*Always - Additional taxes are always taken, regardless if the employee has tax withheld. \\*Only If Available - Additional taxes are taken only if the employee has income tax removed. |[MTD Summary|MONTHLY_SUMMARIES]|Month to Date Summary toggle. When this toggle is set to ON, the pay close process ([UPCLOZ]) will create and store the month-to-date totals. When this toggle is set to NO, no month-to-date totals are generated. This is an optional toggle. %%information NOTE: For Canadian organizations, the MTD totals are required in order to store month-to-date totals required for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). All Canadian organizations must keep the MTD information in order to retrieve the monthly information to complete the monthly remittance on the [RPYEC] report.%% |[QTD Summary|QUARTERLY_SUMMARIES]|Quarter to Date Summary toggle. When this toggle is set to ON, the pay close process ([UPCLOZ]) will create and store the Quarter-to-Date totals. When this toggle is set to NO, no quarter-to-date totals are generated. This is an optional toggle. %%information NOTE: __For U.S. installations__, the Quarter-to-Date totals are __mandatory__. __For Canadian Installations__, the Quarter-to-date totals are __optional__.%% |[Fiscal Summary|FISCAL_SUMMARIES]|When this toggle is set to ON, the pay close process ([UPCLOZ]) will create and store Fiscal-to-Date totals. When this toggle is set to NO, no Fiscal-to-Date totals are generated. \\ \\If your organization's fiscal year runs for a different 12-month period, such as April to March, or is based on a 13 period year, High Line recommends that separate fiscal totals be kept from the Year-to-Date totals. This is an optional toggle. |[Assignment Summary|ASSIGNMENT_SUMMARY]|When this toggle is set to ON, the Rebuild Todate Records process ([UPTODATE]) will process 'Assignments to Date' records. |[Tax Exempt Point|TAX_EXEMPT_POINT]| __For Canadian Installations Only.__ Mandatory. This field defines the minimum, midpoint or maximum TD1 claim code range amounts that are used when calculating taxes. The calculation of an employee’s tax exemption is based on the governmental tax tables. This field should be adjusted if, during payroll testing, users find that the taxation amounts are slightly off. Mid-Point is the default. Tax_Exempt_Point is a mandatory fixed lexicon ([X_TAX_EXEMPT_POINT]). |[Account for Checks|PBA_ID_CHECK]|This field defines the bank account funds are withdrawn from for check payments. Bank_Account from [P2K_PR_PAYROLL_BANK_ACCOUNTS] is an optional 30-character alphanumeric field that users can manually enter or use the LOV (F9) to select an option. |[Account for Deposits|PBA_ID_DEPOSIT]|This field defines the bank account funds are withdrawn from for deposit payments. Bank_Account from [P2K_PR_PAYROLL_BANK_ACCOUNTS] is an optional 30-character alphanumeric field that users can manually enter or use the LOV (F9) to select an option. |[Bank Name|BANK_NAME]|This field defines the name of the bank where the account for checks is held. The Bank Name will default in based on the Account for checks chosen from the Define Bank Accounts [IPBA] form. Bank accounts must be defined on this form prior to porcessing payrolls. |[Bank Name|BANK_NAME]|This field defines the name of the bank where the account for deposits is held. The Bank Name will default in based on the Account for checks chosen from the Define Bank Accounts [IPBA] form. Bank accounts must be defined on this form prior to porcessing payrolls. |[Detailed Pay Stub|DETAILED_PAY_STUB]|Users can define if details, such as wage rate, should or should not display on the View Disbursements (IPDS) form. The options are: \\* Include Wage Rate \\* No Wage Rate \\* Suppress Details %%information NOTE: It is recommended that the Elements listed should be unique for use on this screen only. This will prevent changes to stub information from impacting payroll calculations%% |[Earnings Element|PEL_ID_EARNINGS]|All current and Year-to-Date earnings that will be displayed on the stubs and/or notices must be defined in this field. The Gross Pay Element can be used. |[Deductions Element|PEL_ID_DEDUCTIONS]| All current and Year-to-Date employee deductions that will be displayed on the stubs and/or notices must be defined in this field. The Total Deductions Pay Element can be used. |[Benefits Elements|PEL_ID_BENEFITS]| All current and Year-to-Date employer contributions that will be displayed on the stubs and/or notices must be defined in this field. |[Other Elements|PEL_ID_OTHER]|Any other current Pay Component amounts that will be displayed on the stubs and/or notices can be defined in this field. |[Max. Gross|MAXIMUM_GROSS]|If a maximum gross amount is defined in this field, a warning will be issued on the payroll exception report when an employee’s gross amount exceeds this amount. Maximum_Gross is an optional 18 digit numeric field that users must enter manually. |[Max. Net|MAXIMUM_NET]|If a maximum net amount is defined in this field, a warning will be issued on the payroll exception report when an employee’s net amount exceeds this amount. Maximum_Net is an optional 18 digit numeric field that users must enter manually. %%information NOTE: The maximum gross and net defined amounts do not affect how an employee’s pay is calculated.%% |[Min. Net|MINIMUM_NET]|If a minimum net amount is defined in this field, a warning will be issued on the payroll exception report when an employee’s net amount is below this amount. \\The employee’s net pay will be adjusted to this amount. Consequently, one or more deductions may not be taken. \\Minimum_Net is an optional 18 digit numeric field that users must enter manually. |[Starting Check #|STARTING_NUMBER]|This field defines the first check number in a series. The Starting_Number is a mandatory 10 digit numeric field that users can either enter manually or select from the LOV. |[Ending|ENDING_NUMBER]|This field defines the last check number in a series. This field is for display purposes only. The values are defined on the [IPBA] form and cannot be edited directly in this form. |[Last Used|LAST_NUMBER_USED]|This field defines the last check number issued for this account. This field is for display purposes only. The values are defined on the [IPBA] form and cannot be edited directly in this form. \\ \\ __ADP Interface__\\ |[ADP Tax Company|ADP_TAX_COMPANY]|This field is used for organizations reporting payroll to ADP. This is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field that displays the name of the company that will be reported to ADP. \\ \\Each Payroll is linked to a specific “ADP Tax Company” and this information must be defined on this form. This is used for the Quarterly Reporting process to ADP. |[ADP File Number|ADP_FILE_NUMBER]|This field is used for organizations reporting payroll to ADP. This is an optional 10-digit numeric field displays the ADP file number of the company that will be reported to ADP. \\ __Batch Elements Tab__\\ The Batch Element tab is used to define a list of the Pay Elements used to balance the batch.\\ |[Element|ELEMENT_CODE]|The Batch Elements are lists of [pay components|PAY COMPONENTS] that are used to balance the ‘Actuals’ from the pay header transaction lines against the ‘Givens’ that users can define in the batch. The Element_Code from [P2K_PR_ELEMENTS] is an optional field that users can enter manually or use the LOV (F9) to select an option. |[Description|DESCRIPTION]|This field provides a short description of the batch element. The Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field that defaults from the element code. The sort order of batch balancing elements on the Transaction Audit Report ([UPAUDT]) is based on the “Element Description” from the Pay Elements on ([IPPE]), not the Pay Element code. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.IPPR] [{InsertPage page='Internal.IPPR' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]