!!!MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE PAYS Through the Maintain Employee Pays (IPPH) form, you may create and maintain employee pays. In addition, through this form: *Users can override normal deposit information for an employee and pay by check for a single pay. *Field access and rules for pay component values are defined by the Pay Component Rules ([IPPC]) form. *Position, Job, Rate and/or Distribution code may be overridden. You may access this feature under the Screens/Forms menu: __Payroll > Maintain Employee Pays__ Employee Pay data is stored on the [P2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS], [P2K_PR_PAY_LINES], and [P2K_PR_PAY_LINE_DETAILS] tables. \\ ---- !!Maintain Employee Pays (IPPH) - Pay Header A Pay Header is created to indicate that an employee must be processed through a pay cycle. Pay headers are associated with a specific pay period, pay category and batch. They may be created by manual entry, or generated through several automated processes, such as the transaction generator and the transaction loader. An employee can have multiple pay headers (time sheets) per period. Each pay header for an employee should have a unique pay period and pay category combination. ;[Pay #/Period|PAY_NUMBER]:This field shows the unique pay number assigned to each pay header that is created for a person. Pay_Number is a 5-digit mandatory field that is assigned by the Application. Pay periods are numbered by the year, followed by the period of the year. Pay_Periods from [P2K_PR_PAY_PERIODS] is a mandatory numeric field that is system updated from the information entered in the Pay Period field. ;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:This field will display the assignment for which this pay is generated. This assignment is also established by UPTR or UPTL when loading transactions in bulk. During that process, multiple pays per period may be created for multiple assignments. Assignment_Code from [P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS] is a mandatory field that will default to the employee’s prime assignment and can be manually entered or use the LOV (F9). ;[Batch #|BATCH_NUMBER]: This field shows the batch to which this pay is attached. Batch_Number is a mandatory field you may select from the LOV (F9). ;[Pay Period|PAY_PERIOD]:This field identifies the pay period for which this pay is being generated. Pay periods are numbered by the year, followed by the period of the year. Pay_Periods from [P2K_PR_PAY_PERIODS] is a mandatory numeric field that will default from the batch entered but you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9). ;[Starting|PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE]:Period start is the date of the first day of the pay period. Pay_Period_Start_Date from [P2K_PR_PAY_PERIODS] is a mandatory date field that will default from the pay period entered. ;[Ending|PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE]:Period end is the date of the last day of the pay period. Pay_Period_End_Date from [P2K_PR_PAY_PERIODS] is a mandatory date field that will default from the pay period entered. ;[Category|PAY_CATEGORY_CODE]:This field shows the user-assigned code that uniquely identifies the pay category. Pay_Category_Code from [P2K_PR_PAY_CATEGORIES] is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that will default from the batch entered but you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9). ;[Pay Point Set|PAY_POINT_SET_CODE]:This field defines the set of tasks that will be used when calculating the pay. Pay_Point_Set_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that will default from the pay category but you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9). ;[Trace Level|TRACE_LEVEL]:When performing a trial calculation, you may specify the level of message that the calculation report should display. This field is used for troubleshooting purposes. Trace_Level is an optional fixed lexicon ([X_TRACE_LEVEL]) that you may use to look up the value. ;[Group|GROUP_CODE]:This is the group derived from the pay header assignment work rule. From the assignment of this pay header, it specifies a work rule on [IEAS] form. Then on [IDWR] for the Assignment Work Rule, it points to the Pay Header creation ‘Group Source’. *Prime Assignment - Group code for this assignment is always from the employee’s prime assignment. *Posn/Prime Assignment - Group code for this assignment will first check if this assignment is associated with a position, then use the Posn Group Code, otherwise use employee’s prime assignment. *Job Only - Group code for this assignment is always from this assignment’s job code to look up the group code for this job. ;:Group_Code from [P2K_CM_GROUPS] a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that will be defaulted from the Group Source tab located in IDWR. ;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]:This is the unit to which the group indicated belongs. Unit_Code from [P2K_CM_UNITS] a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that will default from the group indicated. ;[Source|PAY_HEADER_SOURCE]:Indicates the process that created the pay header. *IPPH Screen *IPTR Screen *IPTL Loader *UPTG Generator *External Source *UPCPAY Generator *UPRETRO Pay *UPCVAC Vacation Pay *UPVEND Proc Vendors *UPTL Loader ;:Pay_Header_Source is a mandatory fixed lexicon ([X_PAY_HEADER_SOURCE]) that will be system updated. ;[Stage|PAY_HEADER_STAGE]:This field indicates the status of a pay header. Pay_Header_Stage is a mandatory fixed lexicon ([X_PAY_HEADER_STAGE]) that will be system updated. ;[Seq #|DRV_PAY_RUN_SEQUENCE_NUMBER]: This field denotes the order that the pay header was processed within the pay run. This field will be displayed as ‘N/A’ if this pay headers is not attached to a pay run. Pay_Run_Number from [P2K_PR_PAY_RUNS] is an optional numeric field that will be system populated if this pay is calculated. *To Be Audited - The pay header has either not been audited or has failed to pass the audit process. In this state it cannot be selected for calculation. *Audited - The pay header has passed the audit process and may be selected for calculation. *Attached to Pay Run - The pay header has been selected for processing in a pay runs. At the beginning of [UPCALC], the system selects all the pay headers that are eligible and changes their status to ‘Attached to Pay Run’. *Pay in Progress - The calculation process is currently working on the pay header. After eligible pay headers are attached to the pay run, [UPCALC] then processes one pay header at a time by changing their status to “Pay in Progress’ as each time sheet is processed. If [UPCALC] aborts abnormally, you can find out which Pay Header has ‘Pay in Progress’ when [UPCALC] aborts. *Calculated/Paid - The pay calculation process has processed the pay header successfully. From here, it may be canceled or closed *Approved - No longer used with this release. *Closed - The pay header is attached to a closed pay run. This pay header is successfully paid and the user has run the ‘Closed’ process ([UPCLOZ]). The pay header is attached. *Cancelled - The pay header has been cancelled and will be physically removed by the audit process ([UPAUDT]). To delete a time sheet, you must cancel the pay on the [IPPH] form with the ‘Cancel Pay’ icon. This will flag the time sheet as ‘Cancelled’ for deletion by [UPAUDT]. ;[Payroll|PAYROLL_CODE]:This field shows the payroll associated to the group indicated. Payroll_Code from [P2K_PR_PAYROLLS] a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that will default from the group indicated. ;[Pay By|PAY_BY_CHECK]:This field indicates whether the payment will be overridden by check or prime deposit. If this field is left blank, the pay method rules as defined in [IPPM] will be used for this pay. Pay_By_Method is an optional fixed lexicon ([X_PAY_BY_METHOD]) that you may use to choose the method of payment. !Toggles ;[First Pay in Period|??]: This field is populated during the [UPAUDT] process and is used to qualify processing frequencies. If the First Pay In Period toggle is ON, this is a regular pay category header, and the first time the employee has been paid in this pay period. If the toggle is OFF, the employee has already been paid in the pay period. First_Pay_In_Period is an optional toggle field that is system updated during [UPAUDT]. ;[1st Pay in Month|??]: This field is populated during the [UPAUDT] process and is used to qualify processing frequencies. If the First Pay In Month toggle is ON, the pay header is for the first time the employee has been paid in the calendar month for a regular pay. If the toggle is OFF, there has already been a regular pay created or paid for this (or a prior) period in the month. First_Pay_In_Month is an optional toggle field that is system updated. ;[Audited|??]:This field is populated during the [UPAUDT] process. If the Audited toggle is ON, the pay header has passed all the validation checks of the audit process ([UPAUDT]) and is ready to be processed through pay calculation. If the toggle is OFF, either the pay header has not yet been audited, or it has failed to pass the transaction audit. The Audited toggle on the pay header is not set unless all of the individual pay lines associated with that header have also passed the transaction audit. Audited is an optional toggle field that is system updated. ;[Sundry Attached|??]: This field is populated during the [UPAUDT] process. If the Prepared toggle is ON, the time sheet has been successfully processed by [UPAUDT]. To prepare this time sheet to be paid, [UPAUDT] has pulled together all related information (e.g. user calculations, sundry items, benefits, etc.) for this pay header from the Pay Point set (as defined in [IPPP]). If you are changing any ‘Pay Point Set’ information on [IPPP] form, you will need to run [UPUNPREP] and then run [UPAUDT] again to prepare. Sundry_Attached is an optional toggle field that is system updated. ;[Journalized|??]:This field is populated during the UPGL process. If the Journalized toggle is ON, all of the pay lines and pay amounts for this header have been processed through the journalizing process. If the toggle is OFF, all or some of the pay lines have not yet been journalized. Journalized is an optional toggle field that is system updated. ;[Journalized Fund|??]: This field is populated during the UPGL process. If the Journalized Fund toggle is ON, that segment of the GL Distribution can be used as a 'Fund'. Journalized_Fund is an optional toggle field that is system updated. ;[Time Sheet Returned|??]:This field indicates to the system that the employee has returned the time sheet. If the Time sheet Required toggle on [IDWR] - Status Rules tab is ON, then a physical time sheet for the employee must be received at data entry time. You must physically turn the Time Sheet Returned toggle on, otherwise this time sheet will not pass the [UPAUDT] process. Timesheet_Returned is an optional toggle field. ;[Trial Pay|??]: This button allows you to calculate one pay header in non-update mode. This field is very useful for trial runs and for testing. ;[Cancel Pay|??]: This button allows you to mark a pay header as cancelled which in turn will be physically removed by the audit process. ;[Revert Pay|??]:This button allows you to revert a pay and acts as a duel function: *If a batch is in a calculated pay status, ‘Revert Pay’ allows you to pull the employee out of that pay and put them in to an audited status. This is the same function as [UPPULL]. *If the batch is in an audited status, ‘Revert Pay’ allows you to unprepared the employee, take them back to an unaudited status. This is the same function as [UPUNPREP]. !Checks ;[Check Amount|??]:This field shows the amount of the check associated with the pay, only if it is a ‘hand check’. Check_Amount is an optional 18 digit numeric field that is either manually or system updated. ;[Pay Issued On|??]: The Pay Issue Date is the date that payment is issued for the time sheet. Pay_Issue_Date is a mandatory date field that will default from the pay period chosen, but may be overridden. ;[Check #|??]:The check number is assigned by you from the manual check range for the organization’s bank from [IPBA]. This field is only used for manually issued checks. Check_Number is an optional numeric field that is system updated. ;[Hand Check|??]:If the Hand Check toggle is ON, the pay header is for a pay which includes a hand written check that needs to be recorded in the system. If the toggle is OFF, this is a normal computer generated payment. Hand_Check is an optional toggle field. !Location In the US, jurisdictions are defined by the Vertex GEO code. In Canada, jurisdictions are supplied by High Line. If an employee works in an area that is not in the province where they are required to pay taxes, you will identify their work area under the Work Province tab and the province to which they are paying taxes under the Work Jurisdiction tab. For example, an Ontario employee works in Zimbabwe but is required to be taxed according to Ontario legislation. For this employee, you will then enter ‘Zimbabwe’ as their work province and ‘Ontario‘as their work jurisdiction. ;[Work State/Prov|??]:This field shows the State or Province code standard abbreviation where the employee works. State_Province from [P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES] is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that will default from the employee’s Assignment form but you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9). ;[Work Jurisdiction|??]:This field holds the Geo code of the employee’s work tax jurisdiction. Jurisdiction from [P2K_CM_TAX_JURISDICTIONS] is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field that will default from the employee’s Assignment form however, you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9). ;[Home State/Prov|??]: This field holds the state or province where the employee resides. State_Province from [P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES] is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that will default from the employee’s Personal form but you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9). ;[Home Jurisdiction|??]:This field holds the Geo code of the employee’s residence tax jurisdiction. Jurisdiction from [P2K_CM_TAX_JURISDICTIONS] is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field that will default from the employee’s Personal form but you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9). ;[School District|??]: For U.S. installations only: This field shows the school district to which the employee pays taxes. School_District is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field that will default from the employee’s personal form but you may manually enter or use the LOV (F9). ;[Final Pay Method|??]:The final pay method indicates whether or not a pay is considered to be an employee's final pay. The final pay method is set to 'final pay' automatically when this pay header’s employment has a termination date within the pay period and a termination reason defined as final pay on [IDTR]. When 'final pay' is set, certain events or processes may be triggered to happen automatically, such as the paying out of leave policy balances from attendance. Final_Pay_Method is an optional fixed lexicon ([X_FINAL_PAY_METHOD]) that will default based on the employee’s termination date falling within the pay period specified or you may use to look up the value. ;[Tax Weeks|??]:This field shows the number of tax weeks associated with this pay for this pay frequency. The Tax Weeks field enables you to override the default number of pay weeks associated with a pay period. Changing the tax weeks changes the calculation of the normal period taxation that will be applied to that employee. For example, this is used when an employee who is on a biweekly payroll cycle is only receiving pay for working one of the two weeks in the biweekly pay period. Tax_Weeks is an optional numeric field that will default from the pay weeks indicated on the pay calendar of the pay period specified, but may be overridden. ;[Reversal #|??]:If the category indicated is a reversal, then the pay that is to be reversed must be indicated in this field. The original pay # to be reversed must be disbursed (through [UPDISB]) before it can be reversed. Pay_Number is a 5-digit mandatory field (if the category is reversal) you must manually enter or use the LOV (F9). \\ ---- !!Maintain Employee Pays (IPPH) - Pay Lines Pay Lines are the individual pay transactions. They are created in a number of different ways. They may be entered manually by you through data entry forms, they may be generated by the transaction generator, or loaded into the system through the transaction loader. Pay lines loaded into system may originate from the Time Scheduling application, or come from an external source such as another system. (e.g. a time clock or PC application such as Excel®).