[{TableOfContents }] !!!DEFINE U.S. PAY CATEGORIES [Pay Categories|PAY CATEGORIES] are used to classify the nature of a pay and may be used to set up typical tax processing for different types of pays. U.S. Pay Categories are used to set up typical tax processing rules for different types of U.S. pays. This form will give you the ability to control behavior of the pay header types. In addition, it will control the taxation of a pay and will override the taxation indicators on the employee pay rule(W4). These categories may be created and maintained through the Define US Pay Categories (IPPGU) form. U.S. Pay Category data is stored in the [P2K_PR_PAY_CATEGORIES] and [P2K_PR_US_PAY_CATEGORIES] tables. ;[Pay Category Code|PAY_CATEGORY_CODE]:This field holds the user-assigned code that uniquely identifies the pay category. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field describes the intended usage of the pay category. ;[Pay Category Type|PAY_CATEGORY_TYPE]:This field identifies the type of pay category. ;[Pay Point Set|PAY_POINT_SET_CODE]: If a specific pay category should use a different pay point set other than the normal pay point set (as defined on the Payroll – [IPPR] form), it must be specified here. ;[Payment Method|PAY_BY_CHECK]:This field indicates whether this pay category should override the payment to be made by check or by prime deposit. ;[Regular Pay|REGULAR_PAY]:If the ‘Regular Pay’ toggle is checked, pays from this category will have the normal pay period tax exemptions applied. Some benefits or calculations are based on this ‘Regular Pay’ toggle.\\NOTE: As of the STE 2022-R03 release, if this toggle is checked, then the values from the IPRLUS form will be used to do the US Calculations for the pay ;[Collect Arrears|COLLECT_ARREARS]:If the ‘Collect Arrears’ toggle is checked, this pay category will allow arrears to be collected. If the toggle is not checked, the system will not attempt to recover arrears from this type of pay. ;[Consolidate Disbursements|CONSOLIDATE_DISBURSEMENTS]: If this toggle is checked, all net pay splits for this pay category will be consolidated into one check or deposit split.If the toggle is not checked, the system will create a separate disbursement for pays in this category. ---- !Federal ;[FED Tax Method|US Tax Withholding Options (UFED_TAX_METHOD)|UFED_TAX_METHOD (US Tax Withholding Options)]:The U.S. Federal Tax Method indicates the override for federal withholding tax. The tax may be calculated by the normal (tables) method, the percentage method, a flat amount, a combination of these three methods, or by another method. ;[FED Suppl Tax Method|UFED_SUPPL_TAX_METHOD]:The U.S. Federal Supplemental Method indicates the override for federal withholding tax on supplemental earnings. ;[FED FICA Method|UFED_FICA_METHOD]:The U.S. Federal FICA Method indicates the override for FICA and Medicare (OASDI) tax calculation. ;[FED Medicare Method|UFED_MEDICARE_METHOD]:The U.S. Federal Medicare Method indicates the override for Medicare calculation for federal and state organizations that are required to withhold only Medicare. ;[FED FUTA Method|UFED_FUTA_METHOD]: The Federal Unemployment Tax Method indicates the override for federal unemployment tax calculation. ;[FED EIC Method|UFED_EIC_METHOD]: The U.S. Federal EIC Method indicates the override for Earned Income Credit calculation. ---- !State ;[State Tax Method|UST_TAX_METHOD]: The U.S. State Tax Method indicates the override for state withholding tax calculation: by the normal (tables) method, the percentage method, a flat amount, a combination of these methods, or by another method. ;[State Suppl Tax Method|UST_SUPPL_TAX_METHOD]:The U.S. State Supplemental Method indicates the override for withholding tax calculation on supplemental earnings. ;[State Alt Tax Method|UST_ALT_TAX_METHOD]:The U.S. State Alternate Tax Method indicates the override for alternate method by which state tax is calculated. This method is used by a very limited number of states. ;[State SUI EE Method|UST_SUI_EE_METHOD]: The U.S. State Unemployment Insurance Employee Method indicates the override for SUI for employee calculation. ;[State SUI ER Method|UST_SUI_ER_METHOD]:The U.S. State Unemployment Employee Insurance Method indicates the override for SUI for employer calculation. ;[State SDI EE Method|UST_SDI_EE_METHOD]:The U.S. State Disability Insurance Employee Method indicates the override for SDI for employee calculation. ;[State SDI ER Method|UST_SDI_ER_METHOD]: The U.S. State Disability Insurance Employer Method indicates the override for SDI for the employer calculation. ;[State WC Method|UST_WCB_METHOD]:Indicates the override for State Workers Compensation insurance premiums calculation. ---- !Local Groups ;[County Tax Method|ULOC_COUNTY_TAX_METHOD]:The U.S. County Tax Method indicates the override for county withholding tax calculation. The method may be by the normal (tables) method, the percentage method, a flat amount, a combination of these methods or another method. ;[City Tax Method|ULOC_CITY_TAX_METHOD]:The U.S. City Tax Method indicates the override for city withholding tax calculation: by the normal (tables) method, the percentage method, a flat amount, a combination of these methods, or by another method. ;[School Tax Method|ULOC_SCHOOL_TAX_METHOD]:The U.S. School Tax Method indicates the override for school district taxation calculation based either on the default school district or on a specified school district, or by another method. ;[Head Tax Method|ULOC_HEAD_TAX_METHOD]:The U.S. Head Tax Method indicates the override for head taxation calculation. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.IPPGU] [{InsertPage page='Internal.IPPGU' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]