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You may create and maintain [elements|PAY ELEMENTS] through the Define Elements (IPPE) form.

Pay Element data is stored in the [P2K_PR_ELEMENTS] table.
;[Element|ELEMENT_CODE]:This field holds the [element|PAY ELEMENTS] code assigned to uniquely identify the [element|PAY ELEMENTS]. Element_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that you must manually enter.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field describes the purpose and use of the element. Description is a 50 character alphanumeric mandatory field that you must manually enter.
;[Basic Element (No Additional Elements)|BASIC_ELEMENT]: If the Basic [element|PAY ELEMENTS] toggle is ON, the [element|PAY ELEMENTS] is made up of [pay components|PAY COMPONENTS] only, and is considered a basic [element|PAY ELEMENTS]. If the toggle is OFF, the [element|PAY ELEMENTS] may refer to another [element|PAY ELEMENTS] (also known as an element mapping). 
;:This type of [element|PAY ELEMENTS] is known as a compound [element|PAY ELEMENTS]. By mapping one [element|PAY ELEMENTS] to another it is possible to greatly reduce the amount of [pay component|PAY COMPONENTS] keying that is required to set-up all of the required [elements|PAY ELEMENTS]. 
;:Basic_Element is a toggle field that is system maintained and is used for efficiency when computing [element|PAY ELEMENTS] values.\\
!Pay Components
This area contains the list of [pay components|PAY COMPONENTS] and the order in which they are processed.
;[Seq #|ELEMENT_PC_SEQUENCE]: This field will determine the sequential order (1 to 99999) in which [pay components|PAY COMPONENTS] are processed and displayed within the [element|PAY ELEMENTS].
;:With many [elements|PAY ELEMENTS], the sequencing is not important, because only the total value of the [element|PAY ELEMENTS] is significant (e.g. a taxable wage base element). However, with certain [elements|PAY ELEMENTS], the order in which the [pay components|PAY COMPONENTS] are processed is vital to the calculation (e.g. the deduction [element|PAY ELEMENTS] for computing gross to net) or inherent to the nature of the [element|PAY ELEMENTS] (e.g. element for ordering the [pay components|PAY COMPONENTS] that will appear on a pay register).
;:Element_PC_Sequence is a 5 digit numeric mandatory field that you must manually enter.
;[Pay Code|PC_CODE]: This field indicates the [pay component|PAY COMPONENTS] to be added or subtracted from this [element|PAY ELEMENTS]. PC_Code is a 4-character numeric mandatory field that you must manually enter or use the LOV (F9).
;[Abbreviation|PC_ABBREVIATION]: This field holds the short form description of the [pay component|PAY COMPONENTS]. PC_Abbreviation is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that will default when the [pay component|PAY COMPONENTS] is entered.
;[Operator|ELEMENT_OPERATOR]: This field identifies the mathematical operator (Add or Subtract) that defines how the [pay component|PAY COMPONENTS] will be processed. Element_Operator is a fixed lexicon ([X_ELEMENT_OPERATOR]) that you may use to look up the value.
!Additional Elements Included
It is recommended that compound [elements|PAY ELEMENTS] be defined with caution, and under the guidance of a High Line Consultant. When implemented correctly, compound [elements|PAY ELEMENTS] are a very useful tool that significantly reduces [element|PAY ELEMENTS] maintenance work. If they are implemented incorrectly, they complicate the investigation of set up and calculation errors and make them much more difficult to find.
;[Element|PEL_ID_COMPRISED_OF]:If the [pay element|PAY ELEMENTS] is to be compounded, then the [element|PAY ELEMENTS] codes of the other basic pay elements must be listed in this field in the sequential order the basic [element|PAY ELEMENTS] is to be processed. PEL_ID_COMPRISED_OF is a field tied to the IPPE_PEL_ID LOV which the user must select from. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: This field describes the purpose and use of the [element|PAY ELEMENTS]. Description is a 50 character alphanumeric mandatory field that you must manually enter.
;[Operator|ELEMENT_OPERATOR]: This field identifies the mathematical operator (Add or Subtract) that defines how the [element|PAY ELEMENTS] will be processed. Element_Operator is a fixed lexicon ([X_ELEMENT_OPERATOR]) that you may use to look up the value.