Pay component usages are the predefined reasons for which a pay component may be created.

Pay Component Usages can be viewed on the Define Pay Component Usages (IPCU) form. Users can not alter the usage set ups established in this table.

The Define Pay Component Usages data is stored in the P2K_PR_PC_USAGES tables.

This field displays the predefined pay component usage code which uniquely identifies the usage within the system. PC_Usage_Code is a mandatory 4-digit numeric field.
This field classifies the major usage category a PC usage belongs to. Example: Time, earnings, benefits, legislative, statistical, or user defined.
PC_Usage_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_PC_USAGE_TYPE).
This field describes the purpose of the Pay Component Usage. The description is a 50-character alphanumeric field.
PC G/L Type
This field defines the type of general ledger account associated with the pay component for this usage. Example: A general account or a specific tax liability account for the employee’s work or residence tax jurisdiction. PC_GL_Type is an optional fixed lexicon (X_PC_GL_TYPE).
This field defines that the usage is used for the specified legislation only. This information is mostly used for legislated taxation pay components. Legislation is an optional field that can be selected from the fixed lexicon (X_LEGISLATION).
Unique Item
If the Unique Item toggle is set to ON, one and only one pay component can be defined with this usage (sicuh as gross, net). If the toggle is set to OFF, more than one pay component can share this usage. Unique_Item is an optional toggle field.
If the Mandatory toggle is set to ON, there must be a pay component with this usage. If the toggle is set to OFF, the usage is completely optional. Mandatory is an optional toggle field.

Associated Pay Components#

A PC Code is a unique number code from 1 to 9,999 assigned to uniquely identify the pay component within the system.
This field holds a short description of the pay component used for printing on check and deposit statements, lists and pay registers.
PC Description
This field provides a short description of the pay component.
This field displays the pay element associated to the pay component with this usage.
Element Description
This field provides a short description of the element.
If the Basic toggle is set to ON, the element is made up by a list of pay components only, and is considered a basic element. If the toggle is set to OFF, the element can be made up by a list of pay components and also refers to another element (also known as element mapping). This type of element is known as a compound element. By mapping one element to another it is possible to greatly reduce the amount of pay component keying that is required to set-up all of the required elements.

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