Canadian Tax Rates are the tax rates for all federally or provincially mandated deductions and contributions, such as pensions (CPP, QPP), employment insurance (EI), income tax (federal and provincial).The Canadian Tax Rate detail contains all of the rates, limits, constants and amounts that are to be used for legislative calculations, recorded by effective date.
CCRA supplies the legislated rates, effective January 1st, and sometimes July 1st, of each year. High Line provides the Canadian Tax Rates file. A new file is provided whenever there is a change in the tax rates.
Canadian Tax Rates are maintained through the Maintain CDN Tax Rates (IPCT) form.
You may access this feature under the Screens/Forms menu: Payroll > Setup and Definitions > Maintain CDN Tax Rates
EHT, MHE, QHIP Provincial Health Insurance rate are user-defined on the IDGV form by registration type for the province.
‘Maintain CDN Tax Rates’ Usage and Examples
CDN Tax Rates data is stored in the P2K_PR_CDN_TAX_RATES and P2K_PR_TAX_RATE_DETAILS tables.
- Effective
- This field displays the effective date of the tax rate. Effective is a mandatory date field.
- Expiry
- This field displays the expiry date of the tax rate. Expiry is a mandatory date field.
- Change Reason
- This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date. Change_Reason is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field users may fill by using the LOV(F9) provided.