The Define Pay Calendars ([IPCL]) screen is where __Pay Calendars__ (sometimes known as pay schedules) are created. Pay Calendars may contain pay periods that identify the period start and period end dates for specific time frames used in each payroll and the issue date for the check and/or deposit.

A separate pay calendar is required for each pay frequency. Payroll calendars are separate and distinct from the structural calendars created through the Define Business Calendars ([IDCL]) form.

Pay periods define the dates when work is performed along with the date on which an employee is being paid (Pay Issue date). Not all weeks (unless paid weekly) are considered valid pay periods.

When initially defining the Pay calendar, you need only to enter one pay period’s information, then use the Extend Calendar facility to generate one year’s pay periods with pay issue dates up to the end of the year. You may then verify, remove and regenerate information until the pay periods are correct.

The Extend Calendar button allows you to extend the calendar for one year.

Pay Calendar and Pay Period data is stored in the [P2K_PR_PAY_CALENDARS] and [P2K_PR_PAY_PERIODS] tables.
;[Pay Calendar|PAY_CALENDAR_CODE]: The pay calendar field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the pay calendar to the organization. Pay_Calendar_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field that you must manually enter.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field displays a description of the pay calendar code entered. Description is a mandatory 50-character alphanumeric field that you must manually enter.
;[Pay Frequency|PAY_FREQUENCY]:Pay frequency is the interval at which the employees are paid. The Application supports weekly, biweekly, semimonthly and monthly pay frequencies.  Special and non-scheduled payments can be made within all of these frequencies. Pay_Frequency is a mandatory fixed lexicon ([X_PAY_FREQUENCY]) that you may use to look up the value.
;[Weeks per Pay|WEEKS_PER_PAY]:This field defines the number of standard weeks in a pay period.
;:''Weekly: 1
;:''Biweekly: 2
;:''Semimonthly: 2.1667
;:''Monthly: 4.3333
;:Weeks_Per_Pay is a mandatory numeric field that you must manually enter.
!Pay Periods
Pay periods are defined by a 6 digit number. The first 4 numbers identify the year and the last two numbers identify the pay period week within that year.
;[Pay Period|PAY_PERIOD]:Pay periods are numbered by the year, followed by the week # of the year
;:''2001-01 The first pay period week in 2001''
;:''2001-02 The second pay period week in 2001''
;:Pay_Periods is a mandatory numeric field that you must manually enter.
;[Week Ends|WEEK_END_DATE]:This field displays the last day of the week. For Canadian installations: For EI purposes this date must be a Saturday. Week_End_Date is a mandatory date field.
;[Pay Starting Date|PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE]:This field identifies the date of the first day of the pay period. ‘Period Start’ must be earlier than the Week End date. Pay_Period_Start_Date is an optional date field.
;[Pay Ending Date|PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE]:This field identifies the date of the last day of the pay period. ‘Period End’ must be on or after than the Week End date. Pay_Period_End_Date is an optional date field.
;[Issue Date|PAY_ISSUE_DATE]:This field defines the date that payment is issued for the period. ‘Issue Date’ must be on or after the Period End date. Pay_Issue_Date is an optional date field.
;[# in Mth|PAY_OF_MONTH]:This column indicates which pay number this pay is within the calendar month (e.g. 1st, 2nd or 3rd). This number is normally based on the issue date.
;:''Weekly Frequency - For a weekly pay frequency, there will be pays number 1,2,3,4, and sometimes 5.''
;:''Biweekly Frequency - For a bi-weekly pay frequency, there will be pays number 1, 2 and sometimes 3.''
;:''Semimonthly Frequency - For a semi-monthly pay frequency, there will be pays numbered 1 and 2.''
;:''Monthly Frequency - For a monthly pay frequency, there will be a single pay numbered 1.''
;[# in Yr.|PAY_OF_YEAR]:For each pay period, a pay number is supplied to indicate which pay of the year it is.
;:''Weekly Frequency - For a weekly pay frequency, there will be pays number 1 through 52 or 53.
;:''Biweekly Frequency - For a bi-weekly pay frequency, there will be pays number 1 through 26 or 27.
;:''Semimonthly Frequency - For a semi-monthly pay frequency, there will be pays numbered 1 through 24.
;:''Monthly Frequency - For a monthly pay frequency, there will be a pays numbered1 through 12.
;:Pay of Year is passed to the US tax calculation.
;:Pay_Of_Year is an optional numeric field that you must manually enter.
;[Advance|ADVANCE_DATE]:This field provides the date up to which pay advances should be processed for employee going on leave. Advance_Date is an optional date field.