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The Define Check Form Ranges (IPCF) allows you to see define the check form range for a bank account within the system.

Data for the 'Define Check Form Ranges' screen is maintained on the P2K_PR_PAYROLL_BANK_ACCOUNTS, and P2K_PR_CHECK_FORM_RANGES table.

Bank Name
This field identifies the bank associated with the checks.
This field identifies the branch within the banking system. For Canadian Installations: The transit # is the format of ddddddddd where the first 4 digits identify the bank transit, while the last 5 digits identify the branch transit.
Bank Account
This field identifies the bank account number.
Starting #
The first number of the check number range is listed here.
Ending #
The last number of the check number range is listed here.
Last Used
This field provides the last check number used. The next check to be printed will have the next sequential number. (e.g., If the number displayed in this field is 305648, the next check will be numbered 305649.)Each time the Disburse Pays (UPDISB) process is run, this number will be updated.
This field provides a short description of the check range.
This field indicates if the range of check numbers are set aside to be used on manually produced checks. If the Manual toggle is OFF, the range of check numbers are not to be used for manually produced checks.
This field indicates if the range of the check numbers may be used only for the current entity. If this toggle is set to OFF, the check range may be used by any entity using this account.

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