!!INITCAP , UPPER and LOWER !Functionality: These Oracle functions will return the passed character string with the capitalization changed as indicated: *INITCAP will return the first letter of each word capitalized; *UPPER will return all letters in UPPERCASE; *LOWER will return all letters in lowercase. !Parameters: |STRING |The source, or original, string Returns: Text !Errors: None !Example: {{initcap(~)}} will return, from a value of ''samuel sneed'' the value ''Samuel Sneed'' {{upper(~)}} will return, from a value of ''samuel sneed'' the value ''SAMUEL SNEED'' {{lower(~)}} will return, from a value of ''Samuel SNEED'' the value ''samuel sneed'' ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.INITCAP , UPPER and LOWER] [{InsertPage page='Internal.INITCAP , UPPER and LOWER' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]