!!!Alias: IVDUN The INF_CV_UNITS table is used to import unit codes and their attendant data into the software data structures. A unit is a union, a bargaining unit, or a business sector of the organization that has a common set of employment rules and options. A unit normally has some kind of publication, such as a union contract, an employee handbook, or a policy and procedures manual detailing the employment rules that apply to the unit. Typical organization units are Salaried, Hourly or Union ABC. !!Table Columns \\ ||Column name||Data Type / Size||Domain||Mand.||Notes |[ID]|Number(10)|[ID]| | |[ENTITY_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|[CODE]|Y| |[UNIT_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|[CODE]|Y| |[STANDING]|Varchar2(30)|[VARCHAR30|VARCHARnn]| | |[EFFECTIVE]|Date()|[EFFECTIVE]|Y| |[EXPIRY]|Date()|[EXPIRY]| | |[CHANGE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|[CODE]| | |[DESCRIPTION]|Varchar2(50)|[DESCRIPTION]|Y| |[UNIT_STATUS]|Varchar2(30)|[VARCHAR30|VARCHARnn]| | |[AGREEMENT_START_DATE]|Date()|[DATE]| | |[AGREEMENT_END_DATE]|Date()|[DATE]| | |[UNIT_NAME]|Varchar2(50)|[DESCRIPTION]| | |[UNIT_LOCAL]|Varchar2(50)|[DESCRIPTION]| | |[UNIT_SUB_LOCAL]|Varchar2(50)|[DESCRIPTION]| | |[UNIT_TEXT]|Varchar2(4000)|[VARCHAR4000|VARCHARnn]| | |[CREATE_DATE]|Date()|[DATE]| | |[CREATE_USER]|Varchar2(30)|[VARCHAR30|VARCHARnn]| | |[CHANGE_DATE]|Date()|[DATE]| | |[CHANGE_USER]|Varchar2(30)|[VARCHAR30|VARCHARnn]| |