Alias: IVBEN#


The INF_CV_ENROLLMENTS table is used to import the list of benefit plans and coverages that an employee has elected to participate in into the software data structures. The Plan, Coverage and Benefit Components must be defined in the benefit module before loading in ENROLLMENT records.

Tables loaded:

Table Columns#

Column nameData Type / SizeMand.Notes
IDNumber(10) Used internally to define a unique identification for the record. This field would not be loaded.
ENTITY_CODEVarchar2(16)YNot moved to the software data structures, but used for validation of the employment record. Validation: The Entity Code provided must be defined on P2K_CM_ENTITIES
PERSON_CODEVarchar2(16)YDestination: Not moved to the software data structures, but used for validation of the employment record. Validation: Must be a valid PERSON_CODE already defined on the P2K_HR_IDENTITIES table.
EMPLOYMENT_TYPEVarchar2(30) Not moved to the software data structures, but used for validation of the employment record. Validation: The employee must have an active employment record for this employment type. Must be one of the fixed lexicon values from X_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE. Derivation: If you do not provide an employment type value, the conversion application will look for any P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS record that matches the other criteria. Suggestion: If you are loading employees, you can set this field to a fixed value of ‘01’
HIRE_DATEDate() Validation: Must be a valid date. Derivation: If you do not provide a hire date, the conversion application will look for any P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS record that matches the other criteria.
EFFECTIVEDate()YValidation: The EFFECTIVE date in the interface file must fall between the EFFECTIVE and EXPIRY date of the Coverage Detail record.
EXPIRYDate()YValidation: Must be equal to, or greater than the EFFECTIVE date
CHANGE_CODEVarchar2(16) Validation: The Change Code provided must be defined on P2K_CM_CHANGE_REASONS. Suggestion: Set this value to CONVERSION to identify these records in the future.
COVERAGE_CODEVarchar2(16) Validation: The coverage code must match exactly to the coverage name defined in the IBPN screen.
FREQUENCY_CODEVarchar2(16) Validation: Validated against the frequency code in the IPPF screen
PARTICIPATION_RULEVarchar2(30) Validation: Validated against the Participation Rule lexicon. Suggestion: Leave NULL and allow to derive. Derivation: Derived from the Participation Rule defined for the Plan.
UNOFFICIALVarchar2(30) Validation: Validated against the UNOFFICIAL lexicon. Defaults: This will default to a value of ‘1’, to indicate an official record.
ENROLLMENT_STATUSVarchar2(30) Must be one of the fixed lexicon values from X_ENROLLMENT_STATUS.
ELIGIBILITY_START_DATEDate() Validation: No validation performed, must be a valid date. Suggestion: 01-Jan-0001
ELIGIBILITY_END_DATEDate() Validation: No validation performed, must be a valid date. Suggestion: 31-Dec-3999
PREMIUM_START_DATEDate() Validation: No validation performed, must be a valid date. Suggestion: 01-Jan-0001
PREMIUM_END_DATEDate() Validation: No validation performed, must be a valid date. Suggestion: 31-Dec-3999
EVIDENCE_OF_INSURANCEVarchar2(4) Validation: NULL, '0', 'N' or 'NO' will set this to false, all other values will set to true
CREATE_DATEDate() This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
CREATE_USERVarchar2(30) This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
CHANGE_DATEDate() This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
CHANGE_USERVarchar2(30) This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.

Notes #

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