The INF_CV_ACA_MONTHLY_DATA table is used to import Monthly data for employee ACA reporting purposes into the correct data structures, using UVACAMONTHLY

Tables loaded: P2K_BE_ACA_MONTHLY_DATA

Table Columns#

Column nameData Type / SizeMand.Notes
IDNumber(10) Used internally to define a unique identification for the record. This field would not be loaded.
CREATE_DATEDate() This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
CREATE_USERVarchar2(30) This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
CHANGE_DATEDate() This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
CHANGE_USERVarchar2(30) This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
ENTITY_CODEVarchar2(16)YValidation: Must be a valid entity code defined on P2K_CM_ENTITIES
EMPLOYMENT_TYPEVarchar2(30) If not provided, “Employee” will be used
HIRE_DATEDATE If not provided, the latest hire date in IEEI will be used.
ACA_CATEGORY_CODEVarchar2(16)YMust be defined in IBACA
MONTHNUMBER(5,0)YBetween 1-12 inclusive
PLAN_CODE_COVEREDVarchar2(16) If provided, must be defined in IBPN either for the specified entity, or for all entities. If this is provided, then COVG_CODE_COVERED is mandatory*
COVG_CODE_COVEREDVarchar2(16)Y*If provided, must be a coverage under the PLAN CODE COVERED provided.
PLAN_CODE_ENROLLEDVarchar2(16) If provided, must be defined in IBPN either for the specified entity, or for all entities. If this is provided, then COVG_CODE_ENROLLED is mandatory*
COVG_CODE_ENROLLEDVarchar2(16Y*If provided, must be a coverage under the PLAN CODE ENROLLED provided.
COVERAGE_RATENUMBER(18,6) The cost to the employee for the coverage.
ACA_PERIODVarchar2(4 If provided, must be one of these values that define the employee’s status:
ADM – Administration Period
INIT – Initial Period
NON – Non-assessment period
STAB – Stability Period
STD – Standard Measure Period
HOURSNUMBER(7,2) The number of hours the employee worked in the month
LINE_14_CODEVarchar2(2)YMust be one of the codes '1A', '1B', '1C', '1D', '1E', '1F', '1G', '1H', '1I', '1J', '1K'
LINE_16_CODEVarchar2(2)YMust be one of the codes '2A', '2B', '2C', '2D', '2E', '2F', '2G', '2H'
WAGE_RATENUMBER(18,6) The rate of pay for the employee (documentary field only)
FULL_TIMEVarchar2(1) A flag to indicate if the employee is Full Time or not. Any value in here other than 0, N or NO will result in the employee being set to Full Time.

Notes #

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