The Maintain Translatable Columns (IMTRC) form is used...

The definition data for the Maintain Translatable Columns screen is stored in the P2K_AM_OBJECTS, P2K_AM_LANGUAGES and P2K_AM_TRANSLATIONS tables.

Seq #
The sequence of the translation. The sequence order determines the order of translation therefore, the language that you are translating into must have the HIGHEST (i.e. 99999) sequence number.
This field holds the primary language used at the site. English will default.
Country Name
This field identifies the country associated with the site.
A language may be defined for a specific role, if so the role name the language is tied to will display here.
This field indicates if the language was pre-defined with the application or if it was custom made by the client.
Table Context
Column Value
This field displays the column that was translated.
Translated Text
This field displays the column's translated text.