!!!MAINTAIN TRANSLATE COLUMNS The Maintain Translatable Columns (IMTRC) form is used... The definition data for the Maintain Translatable Columns screen is stored in the [P2K_AM_OBJECTS], [P2K_AM_LANGUAGES] and [P2K_AM_TRANSLATIONS] tables. ;[Seq # |SEQUENCE]:The sequence of the translation. The sequence order determines the order of translation therefore, the language that you are translating into must have the HIGHEST (i.e. 99999) sequence number. ;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]: This field holds the primary language used at the site. English will default. ;[Country Name|COUNTRY_CODE]: This field identifies the country associated with the site. ;[Role |ROLE_NAME]:A language may be defined for a specific role, if so the role name the language is tied to will display here. ;[Usage|LANGUAGE_USAGE]: This field indicates if the language was pre-defined with the application or if it was custom made by the client. ;[Table Context|DRV_TRANSLATION_CONTEXT]: ;[Column Value|DRV_COLUMN_VALUE]: This field displays the column that was translated. ;[Translated Text|TRANSLATED_TEXT]: This field displays the column's translated text. [CLEANUP]