IMST Setup for Workflow#

The final screen that will need to be set up in order to access emails sent from the application is Maintain Client Site Information IMST.

All users who want to send email from the application must set up the following:

Environment tab#

Mail Host
The Mail Host refers to the location of the mail server (i.e.
Mail Domain
The Mail Domain refers to the local domain (i.e.

Site Preference tab#

During the implementation of Workflow the WORKFLOW_TRACE(System_Preference) site preference should be defined in order to view the workflow trace generated in the Execution Logs and Details (VMEX). After you are sure the Workflow is working correctly, this tracing should be turned off.
To turn it on for optimum tracing set the value to 9.
To turn it off when not actively working on debugging your work flows set it to N.

Notes #

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