[{TableOfContents }] !!!MAINTAIN CLIENT SITE INFORMATION [CLEANUP] text on form ;[Site Code|SITE_CODE]:description ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:description ;[Activation key|ACTIVATION_KEY]: description ;[Demo key|DEMO_KEY]: description ;[Demo Excpiry Date|DEMO_EXPIRY]: description ;[License Type|LICENSE_TYPE]: description ;[Concurrent Users|CONCURRENT_USERS]: description ---- !!Environment ;[Windward Version|]:Definition ;[Mail Host|MAIL_HOST]:Definition ;[Mail Domain|MAIL_DOMAIN]:Definition ;[Site Logo|SITE_LOGO]:Definition ;[Build Version|]:Definition ;[Build Date|]:Definition ;[Database IP|]:Definition ;[Database SID|]:Definition ;[Backend Version|]:Definition ;[Environment|]:Definition !Client ;[Trigger Logging level|]:Definition ;[Reload Style (Professional|]:Definition ;[Reload Trace Rules (Professional)|]:Definition !Server ;[Trigger logging level|]:Definition ;[Reload Style (Web)|]:Definition ;[Reload Trace Rules (Web)|]: Definition ---- !!Preferences [Preferences|PREFERENCE] are site wide items that control the manner the application is presented to the users. Some preferences also control how the application will be executed in various areas when run. On IMST we establish the setting of [system preferences|SYSTEM PREFERENCE]. To add a preference, focus in on the detail area of the screen, hit the ADD button and then manually type the preference that you wish to add. To remove a preference, highlight the preference that you wish to remove and then select the delete record button from the tool bar. ;[Preference|PREFERENCE]:Definition ;[Priority|PREFERENCE_PRIORITY]:Definition ;[Value|PREFERENCE_VALUE]:Definition [CLEANUP] ---- !!Languages ;[Seq#|]:Definition ;[Usage|]:Definition ;[Language|]:Definition ;[Country|]:Definition ;[Role|]:Definition ---- !!Message All ;[Message|] ;[Send to all active users|]