[{TableOfContents }] !!!MAINTAIN CLIENT SITE INFORMATION [CLEANUP] The Maintain Client Site Information (IMST) screen allows you to add and edit client site information. This field allows you to set the site preferences as well. The definition data for the Maintain Client Site Information screen is stored in the [P2K_AM_SITES], [P2K_AM_PREFERENCE_VALUES] and [P2K_AM_LANGUAGES] tables. ;[Site Code|SITE_CODE]:This field identifies the site within the system. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: This field provides a short description of the site. ;[Activation Key|ACTIVATION_KEY]:The activation key informs the application that the client is an authorized and licensed user of the system, and advises the system as to which modules and applications have been purchased. ;[Demo Key|DEMO_KEY]: The demo key is an access code assigned to a client that enables them to access the complete product (all applications) for a specific time period. Clients may be granted a trial period for the purpose of experiencing evaluating new applications and features that they are considering purchasing. Once the expiration date passes, the applications not purchased can no longer be accessed. ;[Demo Expiry Date|DEMO_EXPIRY]:This field indicates the expiration date of the demonstration period. ;[License Type|LICENSE_TYPE]: This field specifies the type of product license granted to the site. \\An extended license enables the site to create new tables in the database in order to integrate custom solutions with the application. It is reserved for sites that have a full Oracle development environment and in-house Oracle database expertise. \\ A standard license enables the site to access and report on the database with read only capability. It is designated for sites that have a trained Oracle database administrator, but do not have an Oracle development environment. \\ A basic license enables the site to access and report on the database through the application only. ;[Concurrent Users|CONCURRENT_USERS]:This field is used to indicate the estimated number of users that would be logged into the application at one time. This field is used for information purposes only. \\ ---- !!Environment tab ;[Windward Version|]: ;[Mail Host|MAIL_HOST]: ;[Mail Domain|MAIL_DOMAIN]: ;[Site Logo|SITE_LOGO]: ;[Build Version|]: ;[Build Date|]: ;[Database IP|]: ;[Database SID|]: ;[Backend Version|]: ;[Environment|ENVIRONMENT]: [CLEANUP] !Client ;[Trigger Logging Level|]: ;[Reload Style (Professional)|]: ;[Reload Trace Rules (Professional)|]: !Server ;[Trigger Logging Level|]: ;[Reload Style (Web)|]: ;[Reload Trace Rules (Web)|]: \\ ---- !!Preferences tab [Preferences|PREFERENCE] are site wide items that control the manner the application is presented to the users. Some preferences also control how the application will be executed in various areas when run. In IMST users may establish the setting of [system preferences|SYSTEM PREFERENCE] that apply to the site. ;[Preference|PREFERENCE_CODE]:This field identifies the preference code. ;[Priority|PREFERENCE_SEQUENCE]:This field prioritizes the preference which determines the order in which the preference is used. ;[Value|PREFERENCE_VALUE]:The preference's value is specified here. Each preference may have different values so it is suggested to review the preference definition in [system preferences|SYSTEM PREFERENCE]. ---- !!Languages tab %%information This tab is view only%% Any languages that may have been defined for the client in [IMLA] will reflect in this tab. ;[Seq#|SEQUENCE]:The sequence of the translation. The sequence order determines the order of translation therefore, the language that you are translating into must have the HIGHEST (i.e. 99999) sequence number. ;[Usage|LANGUAGE_USAGE]:This field indicates if the language was pre-defined with the application or if it was custom made by the client. ;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]:This field holds the primary language used at the site. English will default. ;[Country|COUNTRY_CODE]:This field identifies the country associated with the site ;[Role|ROLE_NAME]:A language may be defined for a specific role, if so the role name the language is tied to will display here. ---- !!Message All tab ;[Message|] ;[Send to all active users|]