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The Show Query Results (IMSQR) allows you to run SQL queries (SELECTs) from inside the application, without the need for a separate tool.

Data for the 'Show Query Results' screen is maintained on the P2K_AM_CUSTOM_TABLES and P2K_AM_SQUERY_RESULTS tables.

Custom Code
This field displays the user-defined code to uniquely identify the custom table within the system.
This field provides a short description of the table.
Query Name
A user defined name given to the Query being done
Query Text
The Query Text box must begin with the word SELECT in upper case and will execute as soon as you change the focus out of the Query Text box to any other box on the screen.
2 examples of Query Texts are:
  • SELECT * from all_directories - this will provide a list of all OUTPUT directories that are available in this db instance.
  • SELECT job,what,broken from user_jobs - this will provide a list of any broken database jobs.
Lower section of form
This section displays the contents of the table that was queried.

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