IMSOIE – Employee Document Signoff by Doc#

The purpose of this screen is to show the employee Sign Off documents.

The user can add or delete data in this screen but cannot update The list of documents from the find block are stored in the Important Information table (MII) and are maintained on the IMII screen. A Sign Off record can be linked to a candidate or an employee this screen will show data for the employees only (RCA_ID is null)

Info Code
The name used to identify an information page
This field contains a descriptive text to further identify the Info Code
Info Type
This field is linked to a lexicon called X_INFO_TYPE. It is used to categorize the Information Pages to help filter within other screens | For example, If you created 10 Information Pages that were all related to Benefits. You could then display all those pages using a version of WERES with a WHERE clause (INFO_TYPE = "BENEFITS")
Info Status
The status for the selected Information Page. This data is located in the lexicon X_INFO_STATUS
*Published - Makes visible in self service
*In Development - Currently being setup (Not visible)
*Obsolete - No longer in use (Not visible) | For pages to be visible in self service the Start Date and End Date must be within the current date and the INFO STATUS must be set to Published |
Start Date
The date in which this page should become visible in Self Service
End Date
The date in which this page should no longer be visible in Self Service
This field contains the employee (Person Code/Name) for which the document is to be signed
Signed Off
When this toggle is checked, it indicates that this Information has been signed off on
Sign Off Timestamp
This field indicates the date and time that the document was signed off on

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page