The Define Request Types (IMRT) form is used to create and maintain the categories of requests within the system.
The definition data for the Define Request Types screen is stored in the P2K_AM_REQUEST_TYPES table.
- Request Type
- This field provides the name of the request type. (Mandatory)
- Requires Action
- Use this field to indicate if the recipient of the request type is to perform some action.
- Table
- This field indicates the table where the request type will appear.
- Embedded Form
- Usage
- This field will indicate if the type is Pre-loaded (system provided), User Defined or Obsolete.
- Description
- This field gives a short description of the request type.
- Recipient Type
- People List
- Restrict Functions
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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