Requests provide a convenient form of communication between system users. They can be used to request a task to be performed by another employee, or simply as a note for a particular user. 

The Define Request Types (IMRT) form is used to create and maintain the categories of requests within the system. 

The definition data for the Define Request Types screen is stored in the [P2K_AM_REQUEST_TYPES] table.

These types are defined for a specific base table in the database, meaning the requests can only be used in a form that calls that table. For example, the ADD_PREMIUM request type has been defined for the table, [P2K_PR_TIME_SHEETS].  A few example forms that call that particular table and that could use this request type are [IPTS], [IPMTS], [WAPTS], and [WEPTS]. 

New request types can be created for the same tables or different tables; however these must be created as User Defined. It is up to the administrator to decide which base tables should allow requests and then determine what types of requests are allowed for that table.

For more information on requests see the page titled [Request Facility|REQUEST FACILITY].

;[Request Type|REQUEST_TYPE_CODE]:This field provides the name of the request type.
;[Requires Action|REQUIRES_ACTION]:Use this field to indicate if the recipient of the request type is to perform some action. If a request has been defined as not requiring action, the request is used more as a notation on a record for historical purposes. 
;[Table|TABLE_NAME]:This field indicates the table where the request type will appear. 
;[Embedded Form|FUNCTION_NAME]:Embedded forms are typically developed to provide a visual of the subject matter. They may be linked to request types using this field. Embedded forms will be displayed in the Context tab in [IERQ] if they have been associated to a request type in [IMRT].
;[Usage|REQUEST_TYPE_USAGE]:This field will indicate if the type is Pre-loaded (system provided), User Defined or Obsolete. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field gives a short description of the request type.
;[Recipient Type|RECIPIENT_TYPE]: The request type may be defined to direct to all requests to a specific individual, the employee's First Manager or to a list of people.
;[People List|PEOPLE_LIST_CODE]:If People List was chosen in the previous field, the user will be able to select a people list to associate the Request Type to.
;[Restrict Functions|DRV_RESTRICT_TO_FUNCTIONS]: This field enables the Administrator to restrict the Request Type to a specific function. 

[{InsertPage page='Internal.IMRT' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]