[{TableOfContents }] !!!SET PREFERENCES The Set Preferences (IMPRF) allows you to maintain the column preferences of a screen for a specific user without going to that particular screen. Preferences are site wide items that control the manner that both the application is presented to the users and some also control how the application will execute in various areas when run. All preferences are setup inside of the application and can be found on the Preference tab in the ([IMST]) screen. The definition data for the Set Preferences screen is stored in the [P2K_AM_PREFERENCE_SETTINGS] table. !!LIST OF PREFERENCES Here is a complete list of currently available Preferences and their associated action. ||Preference Code||Description, |1ST_DAY_OF_WEEK,1ST_DAY_OF_WEEK,applies_to_site|This allows the system to match your company first day of the week. Typically this is set as either Sunday or Monday. |ALLOW CHLD QUERY|Adv Search on sub-tables,applies_to_site |ALLOW FIND FOCUS|Hide Find/Browsing Block,applies_to_site |ALLOW NAV MENU|Use left menu tree?,applies_to_site |ALLOW QUERY|Adv Search on main table,applies_to_site |ALLOW TXTLYT ACT|ALLOW TXTLYT ACT,applies_to_site |ALLOW_TSJOB_QUAL|ALLOW_TSJOB_QUAL,applies_to_site |BRAND|Branding of P2K,does not apply to site |CONFIRM CHANGES|Force User to confirm changes,applies_to_site |CONFIRM FORM|Confirmation Form,does not apply to site |CUSTOM WAGE RATE|Category for Default IPRL Info,applies_to_site |DATA FILE EXTNSN,DATA FILE EXTNSN|applies_to_site |DATA WAREHOUSING|Turn on/off Data Warehousing,applies_to_site |DATE FORMAT|DATE FORMAT,applies_to_site |DFLT FREQUENCY|Default One time frequency,applies_to_site |DFLT PAYRULE|Default Payrule,applies_to_site |DFT DATE FORMAT|DFT DATE FORMAT,applies_to_site |EMAIL_ADDRESS|Email System Address,applies_to_site |EMAIL_PASSWORD|Email Password,does not apply to site |EMAIL_USERNAME|Email Username,does not apply to site |EMP IMAGE FLDR|EMP IMAGE FLDR,applies_to_site |EQUIPMENT|Cayenta Equipment,applies_to_site |EXTRCT DATA FLDR|EXTRCT DATA FLDR,applies_to_site |FIND_WITH_EAL|N Turns off Find by Aliases,does not apply to site |FOCUS ENABLED|FOCUS ENABLED,applies_to_site |FOCUS EPL_ID|FOCUS EPL_ID,applies_to_site |FOOTER INFO|Footer Information,does not apply to site |FORM TOOLBAR|FORM TOOLBAR,applies_to_site |HEADER INFO|Header Information,does not apply to site |INPT DATE FORMAT|INPT DATE FORMAT,applies_to_site |JOB/UNIT MATCH|Job/Unit Match to Pay Header,applies_to_site |LOAD DATA FLDR|LOAD DATA FLDR,applies_to_site |LOG IN ATTEMPTS|LOG IN ATTEMPTS,applies_to_site |LOGIN_ATMP_LIMIT|LOGIN_ATMP_LIMIT,applies_to_site |LOGIN_CLEAN_PRD|LOGIN_CLEAN_PRD,applies_to_site |LOGIN_GRACE_PRD|LOGIN_GRACE_PRD,applies_to_site |OPEN IN SAFEMODE|Open In SafeMode,applies_to_site |REP DB ALIAS,REP DB ALIAS|applies_to_site |REP SERVER IP,REP SERVER IP|applies_to_site |REP SERVER NAME,REP SERVER NAME|applies_to_site |REP SERVER PORT,REP SERVER PORT|applies_to_site |REP SOURCE DIR,REP SOURCE DIR|applies_to_site |SECURE USER|User cannot access own records,applies_to_site. This will restrict a user from accessing their own record even if they have security to view and edit the Entity Unit and Group that they are located in. |SECURITY BY EAS|Data Security By Assignments,applies_to_site |SHOW ACTION LBL|Show text beside action icons?,applies_to_site SHOW |STACK TRACE|SHOW STACK TRACE,applies_to_site |SHOW UD INDICATR|SHOW UD INDICATR,applies_to_site |SHOW_STACK_TRACE|SHOW_STACK_TRACE,applies_to_site |SHW CUR REC ICON|Use current record icon?,applies_to_site |SORT_EE_NAME|Sort EE Find by Name,does not apply to site |START_WITH_LAST|Start P2k with last EE used,does not apply to site |SUPPLIER|Cayenta Supplier,applies_to_site |TRACE APPROVALS|TRACE APPROVALS,applies_to_site |USE ALTERN DTC|Use Alternate DTC,does not apply to site |WEB THEME|Choose a Theme,applies_to_site |WEB_MENU|Use which role menu?,does not apply to site |WEB_SPLASH|Use which role splash menu?,does not apply to site |WORKFLOW_TRACE|To turn on/off tracing for WF,applies_to_site !!ADDING OF PREFERENCES Preferences are added by focusing in the detail area of the screen and hitting the ADD button and then manually typing the preference that you wish to add. !!REMOVING OF A PREFERENCE Highlight the preference that you wish to remove and then select the delete record button from the tool bar. ;[Set By|USER_NAME]:This field displays the name of the user who set up the preference ;[User|USER_NAME]:The preference is set up for the user indicated in this field. ;[Column|COLUMN_NAME]:The preference is set up for the column indicated in this field. ;[Table|TABLE_NAME]:The preference is set up for the table indicated in this field. ;[Function|FUNCTION_NAME]:The preference is set up for the function indicated in this field. ;[Values|PREFERENCE_VALUE]: ;[Use on Query|USE_ON_QUERY]: ;[Use on Insert|USE_ON_INSERT]: ;[Function Desc|DESCRIPTION]: [CLEANUP]