!!!DEFINE PARAMETERS The Define Parameters (IMPM) is used to maintain the supplied parameters for the reports within the system. The definition data for the Define Parameters screen is stored in the [P2K_AM_FUNCTIONS] and [P2K_AM_PARAMETERS] tables. ;[User|USER_NAME] or [Role|]: ;[Seq #|]: ;[Parameter Name|]:This field identifies the parameter by name. ;[Prompt |]:This field displays how the parameter will be identified in the columns on forms in the system. ;[Prompt (FRE) |]:If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the parameter. (On the example screen, the second language is identified as French, ‘Prompt (FRE)’.) ;[Reference|]: ;[Item Name|]: ;[Data Type|]: \\ \\ ---- !!Format tab ;[Print Format|]: ;[Parameter Length|]: ;[Error Code|]: ;[Hint Text|]: ;[Mandatory|]: ;[Singular|]: ;[Filter|]: ;[Default Value|]: \\ \\ ---- !!Clause tab ;[Validation Clause|]: ;[LOV Query|]: