People lists allow users to define a generated list of employees that may be used to run reports or may be used for a list of people eligible to approve an item. The list can be based on a variety of conditions such as position, job, department, group and so on. People lists are built using ‘where clauses’ based on the conditions selected.

The user can define a people list in IMPL by specifying conditions in the Easy Add Where Clause Condition Values section. When a new people list is created a where clause will automatically be created using the people list code as the where clause code. If a where clause already exists with that code, an error is displayed saying so.  The user is then responsible for creating the first ‘empty’ where clause (in which conditions don't exist) before selecting a condition value. This can be done by pressing the { } icon inside the Where Clause field in IMPL. 

!!List Definition tab
;[People List|PEOPLE_LIST_CODE]:
;[Rederive On Use|REDERIVE_ON_USE]:
;[Where Clause|WHERE_CLAUSE_CODE]:

;[Form Used|FORM_USED]:
;[People List Purpose|PEOPLE_LIST_PURPOSE]:

!Easy Add WhereClause Condition Values
;[Work Rule|WORK_RULE_CODE]:
;[Employment Status| ]:
;[Replaced By #|EID_ID_REPLACED_BY]:
;[Job Profile|JOB_PROFILE_CODE]:
;[Work Calendar|WORK_CALENDAR_CODE]:
;[Salary Range| ]:
;[Scale Step|SCALE_RATE]:

!!People tab

;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]:
;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]:
;[Last Name|LAST_NAME]:
;[Employment Info|EMPLOYMENT_INFO]: