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People lists allow users to define a generated list of employees that may be used to run reports or may be used for a list of people eligible to approve an item. The list can be based on a variety of conditions such as position, job, department, group and so on. People lists are built using ‘where clauses’ based on the conditions selected.

The user can define a people list in IMPL by specifying conditions in the Easy Add Where Clause Condition Values section. When a new people list is created a where clause will automatically be created using the people list code as the where clause code. If a where clause already exists with that code, an error is displayed saying so.  The user is then responsible for creating the first ‘empty’ where clause (in which conditions don't exist) before selecting a condition value. This can be done by pressing the { } icon inside the [Where Clause|WHERE_CLAUSE_CODE] field. 

People Lists that are used by workflow or by [usercalcs|USERCALC] must __not__ be defined with the [Rederive On Use|REDERIVE_ON_USE] toggle On, they must be updated manually. Alternately, the [UEPL] function may be used to update multiple people lists in a batch process, perhaps scheduled overnight.

When the data changes, you must remember to go into the IMPL and [Update Details|ACT_GENERATE_DETAILS].  

!!List Definition tab
;[People List|PEOPLE_LIST_CODE]: This is a user defined code that identifies the name of the people list.
;[Rederive On Use|REDERIVE_ON_USE]:This toggle allows the system to query the employee data each time the people list is used to ensure that the people list has been built according to the most recent changes done in the system. By using this toggle, the Administrator would not have to manually update the people list each time there are HR changes.\\
;:If the Rederive on Use toggle is checked, the People tab will not contain any details and the Update Details button will be grayed out. When the details are requested, the where clause will be used in a query against the assignment details at runtime. 
;:%%information Depending on the where clause and the number of assignment detail records this may not give the best performance. If performance is an issue it would be better to use a people list that has the details pre-generated; however, the administrator is then responsible for updating the details.%% 
;[Where Clause|WHERE_CLAUSE_CODE]: When a people list is created, a where clause will automatically be created using the people list code as the where clause code. The user may create the where clause conditions below in the 'Easy Add WhereClause Condition Values' section or they may press the { } icon in this field to manually create the where clause.

;[Form Used|FORM_USED]:This field may be used to indicate which form the people list is intended for. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:A brief of the contents and purpose of the people list may be provided here.
;[People List Purpose|PEOPLE_LIST_PURPOSE]:This field provides a lexicon list where uses can select the purpose of the people list. 
;[Update Details|ACT_GENERATE_DETAILS]: If the list is maintained manually and a condition is changed, the Update Details button should be pressed to regenerate the people list. Once the list has been generated, the list can be seen in the People tab. If the [Rederive On Use|REDERIVE_ON_USE] is checked on, this button will be grayed out. 

!Easy Add Where Clause Condition Values
The selections from the fields below will be used to create conditions in the Where Clause which will be automatically created. 

;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]: This field indicates the entity in which the list of employees will be filtered to. 
;[Position|POSITION_CODE]: If the list is to be filtered to a specific position, the position code should be indicated here. 
;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]: If the list is to be filtered to a specific unit, the unit code should be indicated here.
;[Job|JOB_CODE]:If the list is to be filtered to a specific job, the job code should be indicated here.
;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:If the list is to be filtered to a specific department, the department code should be indicated here.
;[Group|GROUP_CODE]:If the list is to be filtered to a specific group, the group code should be indicated here.
;[Work Rule|WORK_RULE (Field)]:If the list is to be filtered to those employees who are assigned a specific work rule, the work rule code should be indicated here.
;[Employment Status|STATUS_CODE]:If the list is to be filtered to employees with a specific employment status, the status should be indicated here.
;[Replaced By #|EID_ID_REPLACED_BY]:
;[Job Profile|JOB_PROFILE_CODE]:If the list is to be filtered to employees with a specific [job profile|JOB PROFILES], the [profile|JOB PROFILES] should be indicated here.
;[Work Calendar|WORK_CALENDAR_CODE]:If the list is to be filtered to employees assigned a specific work calendar, the work calendar code should be indicated here.
;[Salary Range|RANGE_CODE ]:If the list is to be filtered to employees within a salary range, the range should be indicated here.
;[Scale Step|SCALE_RATE]:If the list is to be filtered to employees with a specific rate, the rate should be indicated here.

!Where Clause Conditions:
* The Where Clause should always be from the table source P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS
* Conditions are either added to or removed from the Where Clause specified on the People List.  The result is to either further refine or lessen the restriction by the Where Clause.
* When a single value is selected, an “Equals” condition is created.
* When multiple values are selected an “In” condition is created.
* If the criteria selections are added to or removed from switching to either a single or multiple the condition will change to reflect the most appropriate type.
* If the criteria selections are removed completely the corresponding condition will also be removed.
* All other condition operators must be handled through using the where clause dialog.
* The Where Clause is created as User Defined with Ad Hoc type.

If a user wishes to have their list based on the latest assignment information then they need to manually add the two conditions seen below:

|Ad Hoc| |[EFFECTIVE]| Less Than| <<AS_OF_DATE>>
|Ad Hoc| |[EXPIRY]| Greater Than| <<AS_OF_DATE>>
!!People tab
When the People List is defined to be updated manually using the [Update Details|ACT_GENERATE_DETAILS], this tab will display all of the employees in the system that matched the conditions defined in the where clause.

If the People List is defined with the [Rederive On Use|REDERIVE_ON_USE] toggle ON, this tab will be empty.  

;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]: This field will display the person code of the employee.
;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]: This field indicates the employee's first name.
;[Last Name|LAST_NAME]:This field indicates the employee's last name.
;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:The employee's assignment code is displayed.
;[Prime|PRIME_ASSIGNMENT]:If the employee's assignment listed is their prime assignment, this toggle will be checked ON.
;[Employment Info|EMPLOYMENT_INFO]:This field provides a brief summary of the employee's employment. The field will display the employment status, employment type, hire date and a termination date. 

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