!!!DEFINE PREFERENCE TYPES The Define Preference Types (IMPF) is used to define the supplied preferences to be used within the application. The definition data for the Define Preference Types screen is stored in the [P2K_AM_PREFERENCES] and [P2K_AM_PREFERENCE_VALUES] tables. ;[Preference|PREFERENCE_CODE]: This field is used to uniquely identify the preference within the system. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: A short description of the preference may be provided in this field. ;[Category|PREFERENCE_CATEGORY]: This field is used to associate the preference to a specific category. \\ \\ ---- !!Details tab ;[Preference|PREFERENCE_CODE]: This field identifies the preference. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: This field provides a short description of the preference. ;[Data Type|DATA_TYPE]: ;[Length|VALUE_LENGTH]: ;[Category|PREFERENCE_CATEGORY]: This field associates the preference to a specific category. !Site ;[Applies to Site|APPLIES_TO_SITE]: ;[Sequence|SEQUENCE_SITE]: ;[Mandatory|MANDATORY_SITE]: !User ;[Applies to User|APPLIES_TO_USER]: ;[Sequence|SEQUENCE_USER]: ;[Mandatory|MANDATORY_USER]: !Function ;[Applies to Function|APPLIES_TO_FUNCTION]: ;[Sequence|SEQUENCE_FUNCTION]: ;[Mandatory|MANDATORY_FUNCTION]: !Identity ;[Applies to Identity|APPLIES_TO_IDENTITY]: ;[Sequence|SEQUENCE_IDENTITY]: ;[Mandatory|MANDATORY_ROLE]: !Role ;[Applies to Role|APPLIES_TO_ROLE]: ;[Sequence|SEQUENCE_ROLE]: ;[Mandatory|MANDATORY_ROLE]: !Candidate ;[Applies to Candidate|APPLIES_TO_CANDIDATE]: ;[Sequence|SEQUENCE_CANDIDATE]: ;[Mandatory|MANDATORY_CANDIDATE]: ;[Format|VALUE_FORMAT]: ;[Error Code|ERROR_CODE]: ;[Usage|PREFERENCE_USAGE]: \\ \\ ---- !!Site tab ;[Site|SITE_CODE]: ;[Value|PREFERENCE_VALUE]: \\ \\ ---- !!Role tab ;[Role|ROLE_NAME]: ;[Value|PREFERENCE_VALUE]: \\ \\ ---- !! Function tab ;[Function|FUNCTION_NAME]: ;[Value|PREFERENCE_VALUE]: \\ \\ ---- !!User tab ;[User|USER_NAME]: ;[Value|PREFERENCE_VALUE]: \\ \\ ---- !!Identity tab ;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]: ;[From Date|FROM_DATE]: ;[To Date|TO_DATE]: ;[Value|PREFERENCE_VALUE]: \\ \\ ---- !!Candidate ;[Candidate|CANDIDATE_CODE]: ;[Value|PREFERENCE_VALUE]: