The Define LOV Queries (IMLQ) screen is used to define List of Value (LOV) Queries that are used in [{$applicationname}] throughout all screens.  

IMLQ entries that start with IMPV_xxxx are used to determine the report list used by the various reports.  This is especially true of those reports that are either Oracle Reports or are primarily processes that are executed on the data base server (like [UPCALC]).  The various parameters and filters for these processes, as defined in IMPM, would add additional conditions to the SELECT statement which further refines the report list.\\

The definition data for the Define LOV Queries screen is stored in the [P2K_AM_LOV_QUERIES] and [P2K_AM_LOV_QUERY_COLUMNS] tables.\\
;[LOV|COLUMN_NAME]:This field identifies  
;[Title|LOV_TITLE]:This field identifies 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides an abbreviated form of the table name. 
;[Test Query|]:
;[Query Text|LOV_QUERY_TEXT]:
;[View Width|VIEW_WIDTH]:
;[View Height|VIEW_HEIGHT]:
;[View X|VIEW_X]:
;[View Y|VIEW_Y]:
;[Column #|COLUMN_NUMBER]:
;[Column Name|COLUMN_NAME]:


[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

[{InsertPage page='Internal.IMLQ' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] 	
