Lexicons are an application concept where a finite list of values is presented to the user in translatable language, for control over data entry.

The Maintain Lexicons (IMLN) screen shows [lexicons|LEXICON] supplied by Personality as well as [user-defined lexicons|USER DEFINED LEXICON].

The definition data for the Maintain Lexicon screen is stored in the [P2K_AM_LEXICON_NAMES] and [P2K_AM_LEXICON_VALUES] tables. 

;[Lexicon Name|LEXICON_NAME]:This field is used to define a name for the lexicon. Supplied lexicons are pre-defined with "X_" (e.g. X_APPROVAL_STATUS).
;[Lexicon Type|LEXICON_TYPE]:This field allows you to define the type of lexicon being defined.  Note that User Created lexicons will not be updated during a full seed load (i.e. during a major release)
||Displayed Value||Notes
|Fixed|These are pre-delivered system values provided by High Line. New values cannot be added to these lexicons."User Defined" lexicon values will be marked as "obsolete" and will be removed during a full seed load (i.e. during a major release)
|User Defined| These are pre-delivered system values provided by High Line. These may contain preloaded values which should not be removed, however customers may add new addition values to lexicons of this type.
|Partially Fixed|These are lexicons that will allow additional user defined values (Same as User Defined).
|Obsolete| These are Lexicons are no longer used. Lexicons created by users with any type other than "User Created" will be marked as Obsolete when SEED data is loaded. Any lexicon values associated to the incorrect lexicons will be removed.
|User Created| These are lexicons created by users. These lexicons will not be modified during a full seed load (i.e. during a major release)
;[Length|VALUE_LENGTH]:This field indicates the number of characters in the saved value of the lexicon. This does not affect the displayed value of the lexicon 
;[Country Sensitive|COUNTRY_SENSITIVE]:If the lexicon is applicable to a specific country, you will indicate ‘Yes’ in this field. 

;[Saved Value|LOW_VALUE]: The saved value is what any programming or application logic looks for.  This should be in Upper case if value is character.
;[Displayed|LEX_ABBREVIATION]:The displayed value is what is presented to the users when they do a drop down on the lexicon.
;[Sort|SORT_SEQUENCE]:The sort column is not currently used. 
;[Usage|LEXICON_USAGE]: This field determines the value's usage, i.e. Pre-loaded, Obsolete, User-Defined.  Note that values that are User Defined are not touched during a full seed load (i.e. during an upgrade).  If the user is of a User Created type, also please ensure that all values are user Defined.
;[Legislation|LEGISLATION]: This field allows the user to assign a legislation to a lexicon value. This is typically used for taxation purposes.
;[Meaning|MEANING]:This provides the user with additional information on the values. 
;[High Value|HIGH_VALUE]: This field is used when there is a range, with the Saved Value being the Low Value and this field containing the High Value of the range.  This is currently not used for any lexicons supplied with the system.

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