!!COMMAND LINE or WINDOW The fastest way to execute a [function|FUNCTIONS] is through the Command Line or Window . Every function in the system that users can execute has a command associated with it. The commands are shown on the [Menus|MENU]. !Command Line Area On the right hand side of the window menu bar is the command line. The command line lets you go directly to a function if you know the command name. The menus teach you the command names. To execute a function, just type its command name and hit Enter. If the function is valid and you have access rights to it, the function is started. As an alternative to hitting Enter, type the command name and click the person icon to the right of the command field. [{Image src='IMCMD_01.JPG' width='306' align='center' link='attach/IMCMD_01.JPG'}] You may not have to enter the full command name. As you type the command name, the system helps you find the function. It starts narrowing the search based on the criteria entered and it shows the matching functions in a drop down box. Use the list to help you recall the command name, click an item to choose a function or use arrow keys to select an item. [{Image src='IMCMD_02.JPG' width='318' align='center' link='attach/IMCMD_02.JPG'}] The double line on the left hand side of the command line area may be used to make the command line free floating in its own window. Using your mouse, click and drag the double line to a place where you want to put the command window. The command line disappears from the window menu bar and becomes its own window. To put it back on the window menu bar, just drag the command window back or click “X” to close the window. [{Image src='img.jpg' width='..' height='..' align='left|center|right' style='..' class='..' }] [{Image src='IMCMD_03.jpg' width='426' align='center' link='attach/IMCMD_03.JPG'}] [{Image src='IMCMD_03.JPG' width='426' align='center' link='attach/IMCMD_03.JPG'}] !Function Lookup To lookup a function, click the find icon at the end of the command field. A popup window appears to help you find the function. Enter search criteria to narrow the list. Then scroll through the list to find the function you want. Click a function name or navigate to the one you want and click Select to choose a function. [{Image src='IMCMD_04.JPG' width='299' align='center' link='attach/IMCMD_04.JPG'}] !Most Recently Used Commands As you use commands, the system remembers what you have used. To see the list of commands that have been previously used in this session, click the note icon at the end of the command line area. The 10 most recently used commands appear below the command line. Click an item to choose a function. [{Image src='IMCMD_05.JPG' width='299' align='center' link='attach/IMCMD_05.JPG'}] Do not confuse this list of most recently used commands with the one on the File Menu. This list is thrown away when you log out. The one under the File Menu is held onto.