This screen lists the columns that may be encrypted in one of two columns.  If the data is presently unencrypted, then it will be shown in the left (Unencrypted) column.  Those in the right column (Encrypted) have already been encrypted.

To encrypt all data in a specific database column, select the field name on the left side of the screen, and press the ENCRYPT button on the bottom of the screen.  This will then go through the entire table, and encrypt the data in that field.  This means that the existing field will be blanked out, and the data will be encrypted into the RAW version of that same field.

To decrypt all data in a specific database column, select the field name on the rightside of the screen, and press the DECRYPTbutton on the bottom of the screen.  This will then go through the entire table, and decrypt the data in that field.  This means that the actual database field will be re-instated with clear-text data and the RAW (encrypted) version will be set to NULL.