The About Application (IMAP) will provide information about the Personality application, including the database being used and the user currently logged in.

The definition data for the About Application screen is stored in the P2K_AM_SITES table.

Version #

Product Version
The version of the build the application is currently running is displayed here. This is derived from the files within the HLAPPResources. This date would only be updated during an upgrade of the application.
Server Version
The date displayed in this field is the date the ear was physically created, this is not the date the ear was applied to the instance. If, after an upgrade, this date does not change the ear should be un-deployed and then re-deployed.

Technical Information#

Database IP
This field is used to display the IP Address of the database that the application instance is configured for. The IP that is reflected here stems from the set up that was done in the Admin Console for the Application Server.
Database SID
The SID (unique name given for the database instance) that the application instance is configured for is displayed here. Like the IP Address, this stems from the set up that was done in the Admin Console for the Application Server.
Site Code
These fields provide the descriptive and abbreviated names of site.
This field provides a short description of the site.
This field indicates the user name you are logged on as.
As of Date
This field indicates the current date within the application.

Notes #

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