Grievance Rules could be outlined by a union’s contract or agreement and may state the steps required for that particular union grievance process.

The Define Grievance Rules (ILGR) form allows you to define these rules within the application. In addition to identifying the steps for the rule, you may define the time windows for responses associated with each step.

‘Define Grievance Rules’ Field Description
The data information for Define Grievance Rules screen may be found on the

;[Grievance Rule|GRIEVANCE_RULE_CODE]:This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the grievance rule being defined. 
;[Description]:This field allows you to provide a short description of the grievance rule. 
;[Grievance Rule Text|GRIEVANCE_RULE_TEXT]: This text box provides a space for you to add further information about the grievance rule. 
;[Grievance Step|GRIEVANCE_STEP_CODE]: This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the grievance step being defined. 
;[Seq #|GRIEVANCE_STEP_SEQUENCE]: This field identifies the sequential order of the grievance steps within the grievance rule. It is advised that the sequence numbers be listed in tens (10,20,30,40,....). This will accommodate later step entries, which may need to be entered in between existing steps. For example, an initial submission from the employee should come before a panel review by the union representative. 
;[Participant Type|PARTICIPANT_TYPE]:this field identifies the type of participation for this individual. 
;[Status|GRIEVANCE_STATUS]: This field indicates the status of the grievance at this particular step. 
;[Stage|GRIEVANCE_STAGE]:This field is displays the stage of the grievance at this particular step. 
;[Description]:This field allows you to provided a short description of the step. 

!Time Window
The ‘Time Window’ area defines the acceptable response time interval for this grievance step.
;[Time Window Value|TIME_WINDOW_VALUE]:This field defines the value of the time interval. 
;[Time Window Basis|TIME_WINDOW_BASIS]:This field defines the basis of the time interval. 
;[Time Window Method|TIME_WINDOW_METHOD]: This field further defines the time basis. For example, the ‘Basis’ field may identify days, however, this field will identify if the time interval is in work days or calendar days. 

!Step Information
;[Text|GRIEVANCE_STEP_TEXT]:This field allows you to provide more detailed information about the grievance step. 

!Grievance Unit Rule Description
This area will display the details of this rule applied to specific units.
This screen is for viewing only; descriptions cannot be added or edited directly on this screen. Once the rule has been defined and ILGR saved, you may associate the rule to a unit through [IDUN]. This will allow you to define agreement end and start dates. Once [IDUN] is saved, the rule will then automatically appear in this area of the ILGR form.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field identifies the grievance unit rule being described.
;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]:This field identifies the unit associated to this rule.
;[Agreement_Start_Date|AGREEMENT_START_DATE]:This field displays the start date of the union agreement associated with this rule.
;[Agreement_End_Date|AGREEMENT_END_DATE]:This field displays the end date of the union agreement associated with this rule.

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