!!!DEFINE MEDICAL EXAM TYPES The Define Medical Exam Types (IHTP) form allows users to establish medical exam types within the system. The definition data for the Define Medical Exam Types form is stored in the [P2K_SH_MEDICAL_EXAM_TYPES] and [P2K_SH_REQUIRED_MEDICAL_TESTS] tables. \\ \\ ||Field||Description |[Type|MEDICAL_TYPE_CODE]|This field categorizes the medical exam into a specific type. |[Description]|This field displays further information on the medical exam type. !Required Medical Tests ||Field||Description |[Medical Test Type|MEDICAL_TEST_TYPE]|This field categorizes the medical test into a specific type. |[Text|MEDICAL_TEST_TEXT]|This field displays further information about the medical test. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.IHTP] [{InsertPage page='Internal.IHTP' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]