The Establish Safety Policies (IHSP) form allows users to define the safety policies within the system. The definition data for the Establish Safety Policies form is stored in the [P2K_SH_SAFETY_POLICIES] and [P2K_SH_SAFETY_REVIEWS] tables.\\ \\

Safety Policies are created for the entity at large, while Safety Rules are how the policies are applied to specific locations within the entity. 

!IHSP Safety Policy Fields
|[Safety Policy Code|SAFETY_POLICY_CODE]|Mandatory.  This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the safety policy. 
|[Description]|This field displays a brief description of the safety policy. 
|[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]|This field defines the entity associated with the policy.
|[Policy Text|SAFETY_POLICY_TEXT]|Users can enter additional information about the policy
|[Medical Text|MEDICAL_POLICY_TEXT]|Users can enter information on medical treatments for the employees. Example: a description on an inoculation will be distributed. 

!IHSP Safety Review Fields
|[Date Reviewed|DATE_REVIEWED]|Defines the last date the policy was reviewed. 
|Reviewed Employee Name or Contact Name|These fields define the identity of who conducted the review. 

%%information Users can select either one or the other one of these fields, but not both.%%
* For internal contacts, use the Employee Name field. The link to [IEID] ([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is made through the [foreign key] [EID_ID]. 
* For external contacts, use the Contact Name field. The link to [IECI] ([P2K_HR_CONTACTS]) is made through the [foreign key] [ECT_ID].\\ \\
|[Next Review Date|NEXT_REVIEW_DATE]|Defines the next scheduled review date for the safety policy. 
|[Safety Review Text|SAFETY_REVIEW_TEXT]|Users can enter additional information on the safety review. 

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